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September 14, 2004
Who Passed the Forgeries to the DNC/CBS?
CrushKerry says it has a source in the DNC, and that they suspect MoveOn.org of being the culprits.
Even if true, that wouldn't mean that MoveOn.org actually created the forgeries. It would only suggest they had a hand in suckering a senile old coot into believing them.
Actually, the suspicions run a little hotter than that in the Kerry camp, according to CrushKerry. But you'll just have to click on the link for that.
Via Kerry Spot, which Jim Geraghty admits has become more of a Rather Spot of late.
A Good Question: Karol, who fresh from covering the RNC, wants to know, assuming CrushKerry's DNC source is on to something, "Wouldn't that also mean that illegal coordination is going on between the DNC and Move On?"
Well, Karol, I'm sure that our hard-nosed investigative media -- which will vigorously pursue any story, no matter which party it might damage, because it's the story that matters, not its political impact -- will answer that question for us any minute now.
Any. Minute. Now.