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September 03, 2004
Second Day in a Row, 49-45
So says Rasmussen:
Bush is enjoying a modest Convention bounce. Today marks the first time since March 19 that he has held a 4-point lead on consecutive days. The President's Job Approval is at its highest level since April and voters now view him a bit more favorably than John Kerry.
How to counter this? Well, if you're John Kerry, you give a desperate-looking flop-sweat-dripping stunt and claim that any who challenge your record are "attacking your patriotism."
If you're a liberal, you try to pretend you're just "super-psyched" by Kerry's non-reassuring words. You might, for example, put aside the Filet-O-Fish for one moment in order to quote John Forbes Kerry's words and then add this insightful contribution:
I'm so pumped right now.

Whoo-hoo! Check me out! I look awesome!
The people are digging me!
White House here I come! Yeah, baby!
Update: Kausfiles would fall into the non-"pumped" camp. One might almost say anti-"pumped."