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A Vile Attack on John Forbes Kerry's Character Which I Cannot Abide »
September 03, 2004
Over 100 Dead in Russian Hostage Standoff
And it's not over yet.
Remember: Michael Moore says this is a "fictitious threat." Zetetic adds that Michael Moore's feet could be "fictititious," for all he knows.
Edited to phrase the sentence about the fictitious threat more sensitively. Sorry if I sounded callous about children's deaths. I'm not. I'm just "sickened" that we are repeatedly told that that terrorism is a fictititious issue designed to "distract" us from more important things, like repealing Bush's tax cuts.
I don't know how the slaughter of innocents and fighting those who butcher children is ever a less important issue than anything else.
There's an old joke that liberals love "the masses" but hate actual people. Every time they minimize the deaths of innocent people, claiming such deaths are merely a "distraction" from some abstract political goal, they prove that humor is rooted in reality.
More... from Curbside Prophet.