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Calling the SwiftVets: John Forbes Kerry's First Diplomatic Test »
August 24, 2004
Kerry Campaign Admits First Purple Heart May Have Been Self-Inflicted
I noted the importance of John Forbes Kerry's "we still have not been shot at" diary earlier this week.
The Kerry campaign's admission is on Drudge so you've probably seen it, of course. Still, I have to dignify the news by elevating it to a full Ace of Spades HQ mention:
Kerry's campaign now says is possible first Purple Heart was awarded for unintentional self-inflicted wound...
In Kerry's own journal written 9 days later, he writes he and his crew, quote, 'hadn't been shot at yet'... Developing...
This is huge. This will be the second confirmation of a SwiftVets charge in as many weeks.
There must be smoking gun evidence that Kerry's wound was self-inflicted, or else the campaign would never have admitted this possibility. And I don't just mean because he's an incorrigible liar; I just mean it's far too damaging to give the SwiftVets this sort of ammunition. This second admission will pretty much demand media scrutiny. And of course it adds to the SwiftVets credibility-- as far as charges so far proven one way or the other, the SwiftVets are 2 for 2.
This is huge. Oliver Willis Huge.
Correction: I originally wrote that Kerry himself had admitted this possibility; that of course was wrong. His campaign admitted it.