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Liberal Lunacy Becomes Democratic Despair
August 18, 2004
Kerry's Own Diary: Still Had Not Been Shot At Nine Days After Receiving Purple Heart From "Hostile Enemy Fire"
Full article is linked here.
Now that Kerry's own contemporaneous diary contradicts his later claims and his self-nominated first Purple Heart, you think there's a slender chance that someone in the liberal media might bother himself to ask a question?
And don't forget about the SwiftVets, if you've got some spare change jangling in your couch.
Update: A blog called Public Enquiry Project reports that even Joshua Micah Bucephalus Hezekiah Boutros-Boutros Mellencamp Marshall is fretting that the SwiftVets' allegations and ads are cutting into Kerry's support:
Before the ad, 41.94% of Independents intending to vote for Kerry felt that they would “definitely” vote for him; 37.10% felt “most likely” to vote for him; 20.97% were “leaning” towards him; and none were “not sure.”
These levels of commitment changed markedly after viewing the Swift Boat ad. Independents “definitely” voting for Kerry dropped to 29.03%. Those “most likely” to vote for him were relatively unchanged at 33.87%. Those “leaning” towards Kerry dropped to 9.68%. Finally, Independents “not sure” of their initial choice of Kerry increased substantially to 27.42%. This substantial change attests to the effectiveness of the Swift Boat ad’s attacks.
Thanks to FreeRepublic for posting both items.
Small Update: Bill From INDC has a short post linking articles found here. The really cool thing is his version of the Drudge Siren.
I wish I'd thought of that.
Update: Wizbang is blogging the living hell out of this issue today. Just keep scrolling, as they say.