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Open Offer to Michelle Malkin »
August 20, 2004
The Daisy Ad Has Nothing on the SwiftVets
It's not just that the charges themselves are devastating. It's the pitch-perfect craft of the ads as well.
Thanks to Jennifer, apparently some sort of lesser-known deity.
Panicking Liberals Alert! Mickey Kaus has successfully predicted eleven of the past two liberal Kerry-Panics, but now we may be seeing the first Big Serious Liberal Panic.
Michelle Malkin was ambushed by a wildly-dishonest Chris Matthews. Drudge has linked her blog post on it, and so her site's overloaded, but you can at least read the liberal-thug take on the interview by unfunny, untalented kneejerk liberal cocksucker Keith "If I Say It In a Deep, Booming Radio Voice, It Must Be Witty" Olbermann and fellow MSNBC sweetboy Chris Matthews crowing about their television "triumphs."
Michelle stated, correctly, that the SwiftVets allege that two of John Kerry's very-superficial "wounds" were self-inflicted -- meaning shrapnel from their own ordnance, used in non-combat situations. Chrissy Matthews deliberately distorted this allegation into the straw-man charge that John Kerry deliberately shot himself, and then had a big, witty chuckle over that.
They're panicking, Big Time, as the man says, and they're descending into outright thuggery and demogoguery. They know how crucial the War Hero Myth is to John Kerry, and they strongly suspect that myth cannot stand up to close scrutiny, so they're desperately trying to choke off all discussion on the subject before such scrutiny can occur.
The non-media wing of the Democratic Party, meanwhile, has "angst" over these allegations.
They ought to.
They really, really ought to.
Pictorial Update: This is it!!!
Update: The Unpopulist reports Hugh Hewitt's Questions for Kerry. Well, somebody in the media needs to ask them, right?