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Oliver Willis SAT's »
August 20, 2004
Open Offer to Michelle Malkin
Your site is down. The Drudge-alanche overwhelmed your system. You probably have stuff to say today, but no one can access your blog.
If you've got something you really want to say, drop an email and you can post here until your site's back up.
I'm good like that.
Meanwhile, Oliver Willis decides to insult someone based on her looks and her race.
Which is sort of odd. Isn't Willis the one who began crying "racism" when someone drew a picture of his fat ass as the Kool Aid Man?
Isn't this the whining bitch who complains about immature insults when I note that he is, let us say, several score pounds from svelte?
Do As We Say, Not As We Do.
Honestly. What the hell is someone who looks like this...
...doing within fifty miles of an insult based on looks? He shouldn't even be anywhere near the "watery borders" of such an insult.
You've heard of "Beer Muscles"? Apparently there's a delusion called "Blog Handsome."
Update: Allah, Who Does Not Eat Mollusks, suggests that Willis and I could help each other's careers:
You and O-Dub would be great together in a buddy-cop show. Lots of bickering but somehow, by the end of each episode, you'd manage to put aside your differences and foil the villain du jour. I'm thinking "Ace and the Fat Man," something like that.
Actually, I long ago pitched an Oliver Willis vehicle, which I graciously offered to produce.
I've not yet heard back from "his people."
Update: Thanks to Ms. Malkin. I might have never thanked Ms. Malkin for linking me. Even if I did, I didn't thank her enough.
Michelle Malkin throws me more traffic than just about anybody. Especially today, when she's had a Drudgealanche.
Thanks, Ms. Malkin. I just had my biggest hour of traffic ever.