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May 30, 2024

"You Ain't Black!" Black Radio Host Blasts MSNBC For Claiming That His Reports About Black Voters' Concerns About Out-of-Control Illegal Immigration Are Just "MAGA Messaging"

Shut up, boy, they explained patiently to the black voters they respect and treasure so much.

Radio host Charlamagne tha God called out MSNBC for accusing him of spreading "MAGA messaging" when discussing the border crisis, arguing angry voters have confronted him on the issue because the surge has greatly impacted "everyday" Americans across the political aisle.

Charlamagne spoke with "Fox & Friends" co-host Brian Kilmeade Wednesday about why he disagrees with the far-left outlet as Biden struggles to garner Black voter support ahead of November.

"There was some backlash earlier this year when I got asked a simple question, do I think that the border is going to be an issue in November? This was in January," Charlamagne told Brian Kilmeade. "I said, yeah... the reason I feel like it's going to be an issue [is] because [for] the first time in my life, people that I know are having conversations with me about what's going on at the border, whether it's... somebody I know who works at a parking garage in New York coming to me in tears talking about... the crime that is in his neighborhood because the gangs that are coming over or... talking to activists in Chicago who are just upset because they feel like... these people are coming over and getting more access to resources than people who've been living on the South Side... homeless... are getting. That's just me listening to people."

"So when I get asked that question and I say yes, all of a sudden I'm on... MSNBC with the headline, 'Charlamagne tha God is spreading MAGA messaging.' I'm like, these people aren't MAGA," he continued. "This is just a regular, everyday, working-class person who's coming to me because they know I got a microphone, and they're complaining."

MSNBC published an article earlier this year titled "Meek Mill, Charlamagne Tha God helping to push MAGA messaging," which criticized the pair and the "right-wing media" for utilizing prominent figures in the Black community to spur debate.


Meanwhile, recent polls have indicated Biden has lost support in the Black community -- a key voting bloc needed for his success in November -- as his campaign introduces a new Black voter initiative in response to the slip.

Speaking of that: Biden is offering more of his famously-nuanced racial appeals. He's now proclaiming that he stood next to a black guy that one time, so you should vote for him.

More or less, his message is "I can stand to be within social-distance range of blacks."


His racial appeals were not sledgehammer-subtle:

I promised to put racial equality at the center of everything I do because I vowed I would have an administration that looked like America. Because you voted, we're invested more money than ever in the Black families and communities. A promise made and a promise kept.

THE PRESIDENT: -- speaking of the courts, because you voted, I was able to keep my commitment to appoint the first Black woman on the United States Supreme Court -- (applause) -- Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. A promise made and a promise kept.

And I appointed more Black women to the federal circuit courts than every other president in American history combined. (Applause.) Every single president combined.

And overall, we've appointed 200 Black judges to the federal -- I mean, judges to the federal bench.

And guess what? The next president -- they're going to be able to appoint a couple of justices, and I'll be damned if they're not going to -- (applause) --

Look, if, in fact, we're able to change some of the justices when they retire and put in re- -- really progressive judges like we've always had, tell me that won't change your life when jus- -- Trump justices are already gutting voting rights, overturning Roe, decimating affirmative action, and so much more. Are we going to let that happen? We can't.


MAGA extremists ban books. Did you ever think -- if you're anybody over 30 years old -- you'd go through a period where we're banning books in America? They're trying to erase Black history. We're going to write Black history, because it's American history. (Applause.) It's American history.

Together, we make history, not erase it.

They're gonna put y'all back in chains!

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:40 PM

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