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May 30, 2024

Trump Tied With Biden in Virginia, 42-42; Biden Won Virginia (Allegedly) by 10 Points in 2020

It's almost as if Biden is a Failed Fake President.

There is a snag, however.

That snag is RFKJr.

A recent Roanoke College poll indicates a tie between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden in Virginia--a state Biden won by a significant margin in 2020.

Key Details:

Even Match: Trump and Biden each garnered 42% support among likely voters in Virginia, with a significant 16% opting for other candidates or remaining undecided.

Third-Party Influence: Including third-party candidates, Biden slightly leads Trump 40% to 38%. Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. emerges as a notable contender with 8% support.

Historical Context: Virginia, traditionally a blue stronghold since 2008, shows unexpected competitiveness in current polling.

As you may know, Biden will be nominated "virtually" before the convention so that he can meet Ohio's deadline to be on the ballot.

But, as Ed Morrissey points out -- that means that the Democrats can't pull a convention Torricelli Option and remain on the ballot, right?

So much for all those Chicago Switcheroo scenarios! Political analysts will have to set aside months of speculation about a convention surprise, thanks to the DNC's inability to research state deadlines for ballot access -- and Ohio Democrats' desire for foreign money in ballot-issue campaigns.

As Jazz noted earlier, the dream is over. Rather than wait for the convention to nominate Joe Biden as their presidential nominee, the DNC will hold a "virtual roll call" to nominate Biden in time for Ohio's August 7 ballot deadline:


Democratic Party leaders said Tuesday that they would nominate President Biden for a second term in office via a virtual roll call of delegates to the party's national convention, bypassing a glitch in Ohio law that had threatened to keep Mr. Biden off the November ballot in the state.

Ohio law requires all candidates to be legally certified by Aug. 7, but Mr. Biden was not scheduled to be officially nominated until after the Democratic National Convention begins on Aug. 19. The virtual roll call will be completed before the Ohio deadline. ...

The chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Jaime Harrison, issued a statement on Tuesday denouncing the Republican lawmakers for their inaction. "Joe Biden will be on the ballot in Ohio and all 50 states, and Ohio Republicans agree," he said. "But when the time has come for action, they have failed to act every time, so Democrats will land this plane on our own."


At any rate, the net result of this new strategy all but eliminates any convention switcheroo for a failing Biden. Before this plan, the possibility existed (unlikely as it was) that the DNC could change the rules to release all delegates on the first ballot and have a real open convention for the nomination....

They're stuck with Biden now because they will have no mechanism to replace him once that virtual vote takes place.

Well, maybe. Remember, New Jersey also had a ballot deadline which Torricelli's last minute replacement Frank Lautenberg did not meet. But Democrats ran to a friendly judge to get Lautenberg put on the ballot, in defiance of state law.

So that could happen again. The DNC has no mechanism to replace a candidate once votes have been cast? So what? What does the law matter when we have Muh Democracy at stake?!?!

But Biden would need a lot of friendly judges in a lot of swing states, right?

Or he could file with one friendly liberal Hawaiian federal judge who issues a command to all states to change the ballots.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 01:23 PM

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