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May 29, 2024

Human Dirtgrub Michael Cohen to Run For Congress

As a Democrat? That fits.

He's got the ethical and psychological profile sought by the Democrat Party.

As Donald Trump's "hush money" trial wound down in Manhattan, his former fixer Michael Cohen made a big bang in the Hamptons over Memorial Day weekend.

Multiple sources said that Cohen is next hatching a run for Congress, and is planning a new book, we hear.

One insider said he was like a "walking reality show" as he hit a series of parties and hotspots in the tony Long Island enclave away from Manhattan court over the weekend, and that he was mobbed.

Cohen -- the prosecution's key witness in the case against Trump -- was branded as "the GLOAT" in court on Tuesday by Trump's lawyers. "He's literally the greatest liar of all time," Trump's attorney, Todd Blanche, reportedly told jurors as the case came to a close in court.

But in the Hamptons over the weekend, Cohen was the talk of the town.

A spy told us that the ex-con was spotted grabbing lunch at 75 Main "three days in a row," and that he was overheard saying he "wants to run for Congress."


Apparently at one Hamptons party, a New York socialite was overheard telling Cohen, "If you run I will be your first massive check... I could raise you millions."


The insider said that on Long Island's East End, "half the people say he's a delusional liar and the rest say he's saving America from Trump. Everyone has an opinion on this, and Cohen was everywhere this weekend."

At a private party in the area, "Cohen was constantly approached by fans of his performance in court... People were overheard telling him to 'stay strong,' and thanked him for 'telling the truth,'" a source said.

Added the insider: "He lit up like a Christmas tree when strangers approached him and wanted to shake his hand. He stood up and chatted with people and was treated like a celebrity. He is parading around like he doesn't have a care in the world, and is very proud of himself."

The source said, "It was a bit strange to see him marching around smiling and acting like he just won an Oscar."

Added the source, "Cohen clearly wants the attention and adulation, [but some] turned their backs on him and ignored him. He is like a walking reality show... Cohen took top billing in the Hamptons."

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:20 PM

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