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May 29, 2024

Quick Hits

A "manhunt" is now on for the Thought Criminal who illegally drove over "pride" flags painted on the streets of St. Petersburg, Florida.

Ron DeSantis -- do something about this. We all know none of these blue cities ever prosecute BLM or antifa terrorists. A "manhunt" for a guy who peeled out and did donuts on some Groomer Flags is therefore unconstitutional selective prosecution.

Biden's corrupted DOJ tracked Moms for Liberty as terrorist operatives.

According to the Daily Wire, the DOJ's Community Relations Service (CRS) tracked the group alongside actual hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan as internal documents show. The emails that detail the DOJ's monitoring of Moms for Liberty were revealed thanks to a FOIA request from America First Legal on behalf of the Daily Wire.

The CRS is tasked with "preventing and responding to community tensions and hate crimes, bias, bullying, and discrimination," and tracked Moms for Liberty though Google and LexisNexis alerts. The Daily Wire reported that the DOJ initially tried to keep these documents hidden by ignoring a FOIA request but were ultimately forced to thanks to a lawsuit by America First Legal.

Despite efforts to figure out why the DOJ decided it needed to track Moms for Liberty like it does the KKK, the DOJ is staying mum so far, but a pattern has been deduced thanks to the emails:

It appears to have used its tracking of Moms for Liberty to identify school boards considering enacting conservative-leaning education policy. It then pressured school boards to defer to the DOJ to resolve the differences of opinion between duly-elected conservative officials and leftist activists, instead of enacting platforms they won elections on.

The Daily Wire obtained emails from DOJ-CRS "Conciliation Specialist" Hannah Levine. The emails suggest that she did little other than track supposed "hate" by setting up Google Alerts and LexisNexis alerts for keywords. For example, she scoured the news for articles that said "washington, dc n-word" and "washington, dc confederate flag."

More leftwing activists are resigning from government "service" to protest Biden's failure to drop an atomic bomb on the hated Jews, prompting Joe Squire to wonder, "just how many pro-Hamas terror simps work for Joe Biden, anyway?"

I suppose if there is a good thing to come out of the Biden administration's mishandling of the Israel-Gaza conflict, it's the fact that so many terrorist sympathizers are exposing themselves and quitting the federal bureaucracy. We've seen several reports of officials quitting over the course of the conflict, and now we've got another one. Let the purge continue!

After the White House concluded that Israel was not restricting aid to Israel, Stacy Gilbert, who served in the State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (given the administration's record there, maybe she should have been fired long before now, but I digress) resigned her post.

Another Cultural Enrichment Officer arrested.


Illegal alien wanted by Interpol for murder seen crying during arrest after crossing border under Biden

Leo Acosta Sanchez, a fugitive murder suspect who had illegally crossed the Mexican border under Biden, was arrested during a traffic stop Friday. The suspect, who was on Interpol's wanted list, broke down in tears as she was apprehended by the Splendora Police Department.

On May 24, during a routine patrol, vigilant Splendora Police officers identified the wanted individual behind the wheel of a vehicle and promptly called for backup. Following the arrival of additional units, a traffic stop was conducted, leading to the immediate arrest of the driver, identified as Leo Acosta Sanchez.

Officials said Sanchez had been illegally residing in Splendora, Texas and would travel to her residence in Terrenos. She is now facing charges related to the alleged crimes committed, according to police. The Department released a statement about Sanchez's arrest and said they worked with Homeland Security to arrest her.

The Biden Administration is facing blowback for the profane and deeply stupid political stunt executed by 80-year-old spastic retard Robert DeNiro. Despite having sent Biden staffers to stand with DeNiro, and despite alerting their Friends in the Media to the stunt, they're now claiming they didn't certainly didn't intend to politicize the political witch-trial.

Come on, man. The Biden campaign held an event a block away from the courthouse and dragged veteran Trump-hater Robert De Niro out to rage into a crowd. They staged it near the trial in Manhattan because that's where the press and the crowd would be, and where Team Biden figured De Niro's fans and Biden's voters would be.

That didn't exactly turn out nearly as well as Team Biden and De Niro imagined:

Well, that certainly worked out well! Great optics, eh?

A day later and a notable amount of bad press reaction along with it about politicizing the trial, Team Biden flack Michael Tyler tries to sell MSNBC on a claim that their event had nothing to do with the case in court.

And in other news, the moisture falling on the Morning Joe set is rain. Really!

Actor Dennis Quaid says he's voting for Trump: "He may be an a**hole, but he's my a**hole."

Quaid stars in a new biopic about Reagan so it's possible he's just saying this to please the audience for such a film. On the other hand, saying this guarantees bad reviews and relentless negative publicity from the media, so maybe it's completely genuine.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:25 PM

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