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August 12, 2022
General Michael Hayden, Former Head of the CIA, Deranged Coup Plotter, and Signatory of Bogus "Hunter Biden Laptop Is Russian Disinformation" Letter, Calls for Hanging Former President Trump
Now don't any of you call for the hanging of Michael Hayden. Remember, he's a member of The Regime, and only members of The Regime are responsible, reasonable, and informed enough to know when they should and should not call for the execution of their political enemies.
You stupid plebes do not know these things, and would just make fools of yourselves if you tried.
And also, it's illegal for you to do so. Only high members of The Regime have full free speech rights. Any sub-persons such as yourselves attempting to exercise free speech rights similar to high members of The Regime will be put on an FBI watch list and subjected to audits from the 87,000 new IRS agents Biden has hired to harass you into compliance.
Political violence is a very serious issue plaguing our nation, and we're only allowed so much of it, and the left has called "dibs" on all of our allotment.
So back the eff off.

I'm not going to ask what the penalty would be for interfering in a political election not once but twice -- he was also a crazed peddler of Russiagate Conspiracy Theories -- because, being a plebian, I cannot possibly grapple with the sort of intricate, elevated "Let's hang our political enemies" political discourse that Regime luminaries such as Michael Hayden dabble so effortlessly in.
By the way, the original tweet, the one Russiagate Promoter/Laptop Denier Michael Hayden endorsed, was from "presidential historian" Michael Beschloss, who is, I read, one of "about a half dozen" academics that our degenerated-brain puppet "president" Biden routinely meets with.
So Biden's historian-advisor is also calling for the execution of Biden's political enemies.
I want to stress, just because you see your Social, Intellectual, and Moral Superiors calling for the hanging of their political enemies does not entitle you Lowly Lessers to do likewise.
Another Regime official, The Fiercely Heterosexual Cory Booker, said the prodigious quantities of masculine testosterone surging through his totally attracted-to-women veins and coursing through them like untamed, completely-straight mustangs makes him want to physically assault Trump, but again, note that he is simply a more entitled member of a more exalted caste than you are, and is allowed to say things like this without being subjected to, say, dawn raids by the FBI searching for anyone who's come into contact with the diary written by Biden's whore daughter ratting on her pedo father for showering with her.
Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi, the Romans say, which means, "What is permitted to the gods (Jovi) is not permitted to the cattle (bovi)." Michael Hayden, Michael Bechloss, and other Regime luminaries are iovi, gods; you are mere bovi, cattle.
Know your place, cattle.
Below: One of the Iovi. Look at him glow with divine magnificence.