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March 22, 2025

The Classical Saturday Coffee Break & Prayer Revival


Yes, there are sick people like this. Let us pray you are not one of them........

Happy first Saturday of Spring. This area of the frozen tundra still has 13" of ice on yours truly's lake.

Before we enter the Prayer Revival, just a few housekeeping matters. (Rulez for those of you in Sheboygan.)

1) This is an open thread, feel free to lurk, opine and/or bloviate.
2) Be kind, be nice. The ban hammer is in the shop for repairs. Or is it?
3) If you must run with sharp objects don't expect sympathy when it all goes wrong.
D) Have a great weekend!


God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Matthew 10:32-33:
"Therefore, everyone who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven."

This is mild compared to what are Christian brethren are experiencing in the ME.


AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:

1/11 – Our Country is Screwed asked for prayers. He is having a double mastectomy. (He notes: Yes, male breast cancer is a thing!) He is fortunate that it appears to be localized. Another request is for an aunt (age 70+) who is facing lung cancer and having part of her lung removed. She is scared and needs prayers too.
3/1 Update – He is going to Dana Farber Cancer Institute this week. Radiation is definite, and chemo is not sure, but probably both. The cancer was caught in time and the prognosis is great. It’s a lot of stress for Mrs. OCiS. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Prayer works. Their daughter had cancer last year, and now this – there is no way they could have gotten through all of this without prayers.

1/18 – Jrgunn77 requested prayers for health, which was fine a few months ago, but recently has been his with extremely high BP spikes, anxiety attacks, constant headaches, and hernia troubles. Jrgunn is on meds for the BP and anxiety, scheduled for a colonoscopy, and has referrals for a cardiologist and neurologist. These out of the blue anxieties are the worst. Jrgunn also asked for prayers for a friend from church, Rodney, who has recently suffered lung failure and is on oxygen, to come home from the hospital, and Pastor Ben and his brother, for comfort after the passing of their little sister from drug addiction.
3/8 Update – Pneumonia has cleared, and the neurologist is treating him for Parkinsonian tremor. The CT scan showed 3 hernias. The BP, head pressure, and physical strength is better and he was able to work a couple of hours. Rodney is awake, but has intestinal bleeding. They are still waiting for test results, and if they are bad, he will be knocked off the transplant list. He’s still on 100% oxygen.
3/8 Update – Lester Fahrner posted that BP spikes and anxiety needs lab and urine tests for carcinoid tumor and pheochromocytoma.
3/15 Update – Rodney was placed on the official transplant list on 3/12. On 3/15, he received donor lungs during a 14 hour surgery. Now prayers are for his recovery and for God’s provision for the avalanche of medical bills.

1/31 – Bif Bewalski gave an update on Smash. The blood work confirmed that she does not have pancreatitis. They gave her fluids, 3 types of digestive system meds via IV, and then ignored her for 8 hours. Anyway, she is home and feeling better.
3/1 Update – Smash update: still having some distressing abdominal and digestive issues. Gastro specialist appointment is the 3rd week of March, and that’s just the new patient appointment. She can eat soft, easy to digest food in small portions, but still has swelling, gas, etc. Thank you all for the prayers.

2/8 – MammaB asked for prayers. She said she needs surgery, and has been preparing for it for several months, jumping through the hoops put up by the clinic and insurance. Last Wed. she was told everything was complete and she could have surgery in 8-10 weeks. On 2/7, the surgeon’s office threw up another roadblock, one that is very difficult to manage. She is feeling discouraged and asks for the Horde’s prayers.
3/1 Update – On 2/24, the surgeon agreed to her surgery. On 2/28, she received insurance authorization, and it is scheduled for 3/26. Thank you all for your prayers. She has had months of jumping through hoops.

2/15 – Ben Had asked for continued prayers for Jim Sunk New Dawn. He hasn’t been on the ONT for a while now.
2/22 Update – Doof heard from Jim SND and posted an update. Jim SND says he is doing OK and is in good spirits, all things considered. He’s just struggling to keep up with things here on the blog due to physical limitations. Doof plans to keep checking on him. Jim SND definitely appreciates our prayers and support.
3/7 Update – Jim Sunk New Dawn sent an update to Weird Dave. Jim SND sends his greetings and thanks for the prayers. He can’t reply to everyone; his 80 wpm is now about 8. He can barely type, and chewing is even tough. He says he is a walking skeleton. He is getting full benefits from the VA, so that helps with ADA mods to the house, healthcare, etc.

2/18 – Teresa in Fort Worth asked for prayers for her husband’s niece, Amanda, who has just been put on the waiting list for another new heart. After 4 years with her first donor heart, her body is starting to reject it. She is only 40 years old, and has had heart issues her entire adult life. Please pray that Amanda’s body would stay well long enough for her to have another transplant. And also prayers for the family of this as-yet-unknown donor. Amanda knows full well what her receiving a new heart “means” to the donor family.
3/4 Update – Amanda still needs prayers. St. Luke’s cannot give her a second heart, so they have turned to Methodist in Houston, hoping that they will be able to handle her complex case.

2/22 – neverenoughcaffiene asked that we keep 3 week old Isaac in our prayers. RSV has him intubated and in the ICU. His parents and 5 sisters could use a few prayers as well.
3/1 Update – Baby Isaac is out of ICU and doing great. He and his mom will stay with relatives when he’s released since the rest of the family has the flu. Thank you all for your prayers, we all know they work miracles.

2/27 – Ciampino’s daughter asked for prayers for Ciampino. They are not sure what is wrong yet, but they had to call an ambulance to take him to the hospital. He was very weak and couldn’t walk or even stand up. The hospital has been giving him fluids, and he is more responsive now. Thank you for the prayers.
3/8 Update – Home now. Getting stronger, but still easily winded. Finally had a long sleep. Thank you all for your prayers. Love you.
3/15 Update – Thank you to everyone who prayed for Ciampino. No more surgery was needed, but an abscess was drained of 4800 ml. Appetite is returning slowly.

2/27 – Katja requested prayers for Karla, who is in her 20s and in need of a miracle and/or a kidney donor, as hers are in stage 4 kidney failure. Her family is trying to find a donor because if she’s just added to the general list, it looks like a wait of 4-5 years, and it’s extremely questionable whether she can wait that long.

3/1 – antisocial justice beatnik would appreciate some prayers for Mom, who is continuing to suffer terribly from a botched medical procedure back in mid-Dec. Mom was rushed from her rehab facility to ER on 2/28, then back to the hospital that botched her care in Dec. Antisocial justice beatnik and Dad are doing their best to support her and each other, but Dad has his own existing medical issues to worry about, and AJB’s FMLA is running out.
3/8 Update – Mom is stable but continues to suffer with a horrific bed wound and blood clots in her legs. She will be bedridden for the foreseeable future. Dad is still having medical issues but is still mobile. AJB and Dad still take shifts to visit Mom. AJB also figures s/he will be looking for another job soon, so has found a resume and will start applying.
3/15 Update – It was a rough week. For the first part of the week, Mom spent every waking moment groaning in agony from osteomyelitis due to her bed sores. The pain has been better controlled the last few days.

3/1 – Madam Mayhem sent her thanks for the prayers for her niece’s husband, T, a young man in his 30s. We had prayed for him after his heart attack. He has recovered and there was only minimal damage. She also asked for prayers for Hubbymayhem, who is battling kidney stones and a UTI. The urology center did not catch it right away – they did scans for stones and bladder cancer instead of a simple urine culture. The antibiotics are underway, but he’s been suffering with it for a while.
3/8 Update – Thanks to everyone for the prayers for Hubbymayhem. He is recovered and back to his usual ornery and lecherous self! Thank God!

3/1 – Jewells send an update – she had surgery on her arm. A week after that, she came down with influenza A and pneumonia. So she has been pretty sick and weak.

3/1 - thefritz requests prayers for his friend Jeff, his wife, and two children. Jeff’s pancreatic cancer has spread to his liver. They have stopped chemo and moved him to home hospice.
3/17 Update – Jeff succumbed to pancreatic cancer on 3/16. Please pray for his wife and two grown children.

3/3 – Lizzy requested prayers for her father, whose health has taken a dive. They were taking him to the hospital, but it may well be that his body is exhausted, and the fight is over.

3/6 – Bulg asked for prayers. He is planning to send a conciliatory letter to his only sister, who has been estranged for 20 years. There had been a family breakup over the parents’ estate. The sister has begun communicating with Bulg’s brothers, so he is going to try and reestablish contact. Prayers that his attempt will be successful are appreciated.

3/6 – Toad-O asked for prayers for a son-in-law, his mother, and the rest of the family. The mother is in the hospital with severe lung damage and her survival is uncertain. The mother’s mother just died of a similar illness. Also, her husband is also in the hospital with a ruptured colon. All of these things hit in the same week, and the impact has been devastating. A miracle is desperately needed.
3/8 Update – The mother passed away on 3/8, on her 61st birthday. As you can imagine, the family is devastated. Prayers for comfort in this time of sorrow are requested.

3/8 – Misanthropic Humanitarian offered a prayer. “Dear Father, Thank you for sparing Donald J. Trump’s life in Butler, PA. Thank you for a President who loves his country and is trying to do everything he can to improve our citizens lives. We often come to you with our troubles and not to you as often as we should when we should be thankful. We pray through Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.”

3/8 - Tonypete asked for prayers for K and Mr. X. K started dating Mr. X, and he is a very nice gentleman, but he mentions his late wife in every other sentence. It’s starting to wear on K.

3/8 – Ben Had asked for continued prayers for AZ deplorable as he works to get his strength back.

3/8 – Retired Buckeye Cop asked for prayers for his younger brother, J. He has been a police officer at a local Catholic university for 26 years. Due to internal politics, the police chief has informed J that his position (Captain) is being phased out as of 6/30 and he needs to seek employment elsewhere. May J find a new job soon.

3/8 – Piper asked for prayers for a close friend who has breast cancer. It’s already at stage 3 when it was discovered. She has chemo, surgery, and radiation coming up. She is a mom, with a son age 12. Her husband is being a trooper, but it’s hard.

3/8 – Cosda posted good news. Two years ago, we prayed for a sister who had colon cacner and was undergoing surgery and chemo. That was successful. On 3/7, her checkup showed that she was still cancer free. Thank you for the prayers and thank God for the healing.

3/13 – Teresa in Fort Worth’s health continues to improve with her cancer treatments. Her CA19-9 results continue to go down, which is great news.

3/15 – Grammie Winger updated that Rev is still weak, but he is eating and his spirits are good.

3/15 – Fenelon Spoke requested prayers for the daughter of their beloved, retired, organist. The daughter is a dear woman on her second bout of cancer and is having treatments. Thanks so much!

3/15 – Smell the glove sent thanks for the prayers. The aunt is doing well with her treatment for colon cancer.

3/15 – MkY asked for continued prayers for his wife, Judy, who was diagnosed with stage IV renal cancer 2 months ago. She is getting immunotherapy, along with another drug that is supposed to enhance immunotherapy. She is very weak, and they don’t know if the various issues she is having is due to the cancer(s) or the drugs. Probably both. In early April, she is due for another CT scan with contrast (which hurts). If the tumors have not shrunk, they will probably start alternative therapies.

3/20 – L asked for continued prayers for her daughter, Shannon. She is the Franciscan sister, who was traveling to Cleveland for surgery. The operation was a success! It involved replacement of two valves, and repair to aortic aneurysm. The surgery was 3/11, and she was released 3/18. She is staying with her aunt, a retired nurse, this week, and will go to her sister’s house for continued recovery next week. L and her husband have not seen her in person, since they came down with a bad flu, but have visited via a video call, and can see improvement. L sends her thanks for the prayers. Shannon appreciated it, L appreciated it, and it helped keep them all calmer.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.

And before we close it up for the day. How about a prayer for men with significant others? I think we should.


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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian (ONT Cob Emeritus) at 07:00 AM

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