« Jake Tapper "Visibly Stunned" Over Massive 20 Point Shift of Georgia Independents from Biden to Trump
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November 05, 2024
CNN Calls Florida for Trump
update: Halperin says Trump is very confident he's won Georgia, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. That wins it all for him, assuming he takes Arizona (which he surely will, he's led there since forever ago).
Meanwhile, Kamala is arguing that "late surges" in Georgia and North Carolina give her reason to hope.
Sounds like weak spin.
This win isn't a surprise-- but the early call might be a harbinger.
As Katie Pavlich said, Florida will finish counting all votes within the next 40 minutes. How do the various Democrat-controlled counties in Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania justify not finishing counting for days or even weeks?
Cabot Phillips
Florida has counted 7 million votes in 45 minutes.
It can be done.
DeSantis announced the prop 3 and prop 4, which would liberalize abortion and pot, were defeated.
Decision Desk thinks Trump now has a 69% chance of winning the whole ball of wax.
I'm nervous. So are you. It might help you to know that the DUmmies are nervous too:
CNN just indicated that there may be a 20% swing in Indies from Biden to Kamala. Fuck Georgia. Independents suck.
CNN lies a much as fox
That's people identifying as indy. It may not be the same batch of voters that went Biden in 2020. I don't think you can look much at that swing and believe that it's real movement or just changes in who is saying they are indy vs not.
Exactly. People don't register with a party when they vote/register to vote in Georgia, so these are self-identified "Independents." How many of them are already inclined toward the Republicans but don't want to admit their true political leanings to a pollster?
It always looks good for Republicans early in the evening.
Fuck russia and china because they are helping tRump
I don't have a good feeling about the rest of the night.
I'll be kind and simply say posts like this are not helpful.
Turned on CNN a few times tonight and found Tapper and Bash being very negative about Harris. I wouldn't trust anything they are saying.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
08:05 PM
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