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September 25, 2024

The Morning Report — 9/25/24


Good Morning Kids. So, is it so shocking that Kalorama Harris comes right out and declares she's going to do away with the filibuster in order to reinstate legalized infanticide throughout the land?

One of the things Democrats warn voters about Trump is that if he is elected, it will be the end of democracy. However, today, Kamala Harris revealed that it is she who wants to do away with one of the most important democratic norms in America: the filibuster. Ostensibly, it’s to return unlimited abortion to America, but the reality is that if she wins the White House and Democrats control Congress, America becomes a one-party nation...forever.

The Senate authorized the filibuster over 200 years ago, in 1806, and it was first put into effect in 1837. Its purpose is to allow a minority to invoke the filibuster to keep a bill from being voted upon unless three-fifths of the Senate’s members invoke cloture. This prevents majority rule by forcing a broad agreement on bills that will have a profound effect on America. . .

. . . Only recently, as they’ve become more radicalized, have Democrats, when in the majority wanted to do away with the filibuster. Their primary goals are to pack the Supreme Court and add Puerto Rico and D.C. as states. (That the Constitution theoretically bars D.C. from becoming a state is irrelevant if you control the Supreme Court). Once they do that, they will have achieved permanent control over the government, and the Constitution will be a dead letter. . .

. . . But the one thing you can say about Democrats is that, unlike Republicans, they never give up. And so it is that Kamala is once again urging people to vote for her and a Democrat Senate so that Democrats can end the filibuster. This time, Kamala’s using her biggest strength in the campaign to make that argument: She says she’ll reverse the Dobbs decision and reinstate Roe v. Wade. That is, reversing the filibuster will set in motion taking abortion from the states and returning it to the feds. It’s 1973 all over again:

Emphasis above mine. That's because it's not necessarily about the particular issue so much as it is about the attainment of absolute power while at the same time completely destroying the nation, culture, heritage and society in the process.

Given the fact that, there is a real perception that Trump has a shot (no pun) at actually pulling out a win come November, all this blather about restoring Roe reeks of desperation in trying to energize a base that by some accounts is losing significant support from a number of key constituencies of its base. Are there enough AWFLs and other women out there who believe that killing a child in utero for whatever reason is a personal health choice and/or a civil right that must be protected, to overcome not only sane people who at a bare minimum believe there should be at least some restrictions on it as well as blacks, latinos, blue collar workers and everyone else who is fed up with intentionally imported foreign savages gutting and eating their pets in public, along with raping, murdering and robbing them and their loved ones while sacking the treasury.

Yes gentle reader, I know Rush Limbaugh of blessed memory lamented the fact that people's eyes glazed over with talk about debts and deficits, yet this headline is going to hit home sooner or later:

The presidential campaign season is once again turning politicians into pandering game show hosts, promising voters huge tax cuts and spending expansions with no regard to the debt crisis these policies will accelerate.

Budget deficits are set to exceed $2 trillion this year — despite relative peace and prosperity — and then surge to $4 trillion within a decade under current policies.

For the first time since the end of World War II, the federal debt will top 100% of the gross domestic product.

The impending completion of the Biden-Harris junta brings an opportunity to assess their role in these rising deficits.

That is insane. Couple that with the expansion of a vast welfare state to accommodate tens of millions of foreign peasants on top of the millions already here and our own, sadly, native layabouts and welfare queens and leeches, while we complete the destruction of our manufacturing base with overregulation and taxation on top of the dismantling of the fossil fuel/petrochemical industry that drives prosperity and growth, along with the brainwashing of yet another generation of children to be nothing more than drones and slaves to big government. Hello Obama's Julia, remember her?

Meanwhile, evidently someone took a pot shot at Kamala campaign offices in Tempe Az. Do I get to say, like Democrats said about Trump that the nation would be better off if the shooter succeeded? Just asking?

Speaking of Haitians, and some cognitive dissonance for those who claim all this talk about roasting park geese and pet cats in Springfield Ohio is fake news and racist propaganda.

“DO NOT TRAVEL” blares the red warning at the top of the State Department page.

Things you’re not supposed to do in Haiti, per the U.S. government, if you ignore the BLARING RED warning and go anyway:

“Using any kind of public transportation or taxis.” 
“Visiting banks and using ATMs.”
“Driving at night.”
“Traveling anywhere after dark.” 
“Traveling without prior approval and special security measures in place.”

. . . It’s unclear how the governing authorities can square these two simultaneous claims: Haiti is a dystopian hellhole where wanton violence is so rampant that even visiting the country is an existential threat; and, tens of thousands of Haitians imported overnight into the Midwest is actually a bounty from the benevolent Diversity™ gods and any claims of adverse social effects are conspiratorial hatespeech.

Well, with Israel doing the 100% right thing by telling Biden and Blinken to gey-kock-in-yom und vayr ge-hargit, and not agree to slit their own throats by letting Hamas and Hezbollah do the slitting and drive them into the sea. it looks like Blinken is being set up to be the fall guy, in order to mitigate any chance of losing Michigan and/or Minnesota in November. And as a bonus, Blinken's a Jew (albeit a self-gasser, but still).

Any travel bans on Springfield Ohio? or anywhere else for that matter. like Chicago???

Chicago gang members and ex-convicts are warning of coming violent turf wars with newly arrived Venezuelan migrants who are part of the notorious gang Tren De Aragua, or TDA. 

Not unlike other cities across the country, Chicago has been inundated with migrants as the border crisis rages on. Since 2022, an estimated 48,000 migrants have come to the city, with the majority of new migrant arrivals hailing from Venezuela

“When the black gangs here get fed up with the illegalities and criminal activities of these migrants or non-citizens, the city of Chicago is going to go up in flames and there will be nothing the National Guard or the government can do about it when the bloodshed hits the streets,” Tyrone Muhammad, an ex-con and former gang member, told the New York Post. “It’ll be blacks against migrants.”

Can you say anarcho-terrorism? Things could get interesting come Election Day. Should Trump come close to winning or actually pull out a win, there is no way the Deep State and Junta will let him sit behind that Resolute Desk.

If two assassination attempts, plus Kangaroo courts and Shampeachments after a stolen election via the Fauci-created Chinese Lung Aids lockdowns doesn't convince you, what will?

As they did during the last presidential election, the powers that be will use any means necessary — and all means available — to maintain power and deny President Donald Trump a second term. That could mean using some sort of emergency as a justification to violate the Constitution and postpone the election.
“If they think that there’s a chance that Trump could win decisively enough in November that they can’t steal it, then I think their only option there is to in some way throw the society into chaos,” Tucker Carlson said. “It’s pretty simple. If they feel like they’re going to lose, we will have some kind of crisis.

Have a great day.


  • It’s unclear how the governing authorities can square these two simultaneous claims: Haiti is a dystopian hellhole where wanton violence is so rampant that even visiting the country is an existential threat; and, tens of thousands of Haitians imported overnight into the Midwest is actually a bounty from the benevolent Diversity™ gods and any claims of adverse social effects are conspiratorial hatespeech.
    Shot: Irony? State Department Bigots Issue ‘Do Not Travel’ Haiti Advisory
  • Well, would you look at that? Some group called the Haitian Bridge Alliance (HBA) is filing criminal charges against former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), for "seven separate offenses, including disrupting public services, making false alarms, aggravated menacing, complicity and telecommunications harassment," as described by The Hill.
    Chaser: Haitian Immigrant Advocacy Group Files Criminal Complaint Against Trump, Vance
  • Michael Goodwin: The nation and the world are in far worse shape now than when Biden took office and had he stayed in the race, he would have lost to Donald Trump in a landslide.  Americans are generous and patient, but not stupid.  Indeed, the widespread belief that we are now closer than ever to World War III captures the truth of Biden’s disastrous term. Rarely if ever have things gotten so bad, so fast. 
    Joe Biden’s disastrous legacy of crime at home and war abroad on full display in his final UN speech
  • How the Deep State could thwart Trump and retain power.
    ‘We Interrupt This Election…’

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