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September 20, 2024
Chinese Counterfeit Panda Ring Cafe

The Carina Nebula, just 7500 short lightyears away
That must be fake, right? It totally looks like a Templar charging into battle.
Oh well, I posted it, it's too late to do anything about it now.
There's no such thing as Social Contagion you guys.
Grooming a tiger, removing its winter coat.
Construction snake, a videogame created by Elroy Patashnik.
Dogs meet the baby.
Introducing the baby to the horses.
Baby shows off her new dress.
Naughty baby has her "Aren't I a little stinker?" face on lock.
Camels having a drink.
Badass table-making.
Wedding dance.
Below: A Chinese zoo had to admit one of its "pandas" was really just a dog painted black and white when it began panting. And barking.
Please don't repost that. As the Democrat Op of 2019-2020 tells us, any negative news about the Democrat Donor Nation of China puts Asian lives in danger, Bigots.
Whoops, looks like that got Community Noted.