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Daily Tech News 21 September 2024 »
September 20, 2024
On The ONT Where You Live
I want to make it perfectly clear that reading this ONT poses a huge danger to our democracy.
Fido Friday: Good Girl
Scene: Mossad HQ, earlier this year
Bro got SLAMMED into the friends zone
Election update
I love community notes
Friends zone guy needs to take lessons from this kid
What the hell. More punny content
Mere Christianity
The disabled guy always wanted to ride in a super car
The lessons of history
Another pager meme. There were hundreds this week
Abandoned Soviet space shuttles
Tweet of the week
Learn, lock & load
Bitch of the week. Love how the judge tears her apart
Solzhenitsyn quote. Worth remembering
The witch doctor is in
This kid has more soul than Anthony Michael Hall in Weird Science
Old friends
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Charlie Kirk. I hear a lot criticism of Kirk. I don't really know why. I don't know Charlie Kirk, I never will. Frankly, I don't care. But I see him do something like this? That's good stuff.

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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