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September 20, 2024

The Week In Woke
Plus: More on "Male Feminist Ally" Michael Eric Dyson, #TheLadiesMan

The corrupt Biden-Harris DOJ targeted a doctor for revealing that a children's hospital was performing trans surgeries, which is against the law in Texas. They claimed he was violating HIPAA or some bullshit like that.

Remember when Kamala Harris persecuted that documentarian for conducting bog-standard hidden camera interviews with abortion mill employees talking about boxing up body parts for sale on the spare human parts market? It's exactly like that.

New info destroys that faked-up political-persecution case.

New information disclosed by the Department of Justice "upends" its case against Texas Children's Hospital whistleblower Eithan Haim, the doctor's defense said in a Monday motion.

"The government admits evidence that contradicts their allegations against Dr. Haim," the doctor's lawyer, Marcella Burke, told The Daily Wire on Monday morning. "The government's own disclosures blow apart their allegations. They have both the facts and the law wrong and we look forward to clearing this up so Dr. Haim can move on with his life."

Haim had blown the whistle on Texas Children's in May 2023, in an explosive story published by journalist Christopher Rufo, alleging that the hospital had lied about ending its transgender medical program and was still performing attempted transition procedures on children as young as 11.

In June 2023, Haim received a home visit from federal agents. He discovered that the Justice Department was targeting him, attempting to charge him with four felony counts of violating HIPAA.

The DOJ has based their case, in large part, on the claim that Haim had no reason to access Texas Children's Hospital records after he finished a surgical rotation at the hospital in January 2021.

On Friday, however, the government disclosed new information to Haim's defense team that "directly contradicts" this claim, showing records of Haim's work at Texas Children's on nine different occasions between January 20, 2021 and April 14, 2023.

Ah. I was wondering how they were claiming he violated HIPAA, when he plainly did not release any information on actual patients. They're claiming he accessed information without cause -- but now we see he was still working there, so he had cause to be in the records room.

"The entire premise of the government's case has been that Dr. Haim was an interloper, falsely claiming responsibility for TCH patients to hide some nefarious and malicious reason for accessing TCH records," reads the filing, first obtained by The Daily Wire. "This rested on the foundational premise that Dr. Haim treated no patients at TCH after January 2021. But the government's Friday the 13th disclosure has now blown apart this entire premise."

Haim's lawyers say that the first count of the DOJ's indictment, alleging that Haim acted under false pretenses, must be dismissed since the "legitimacy of the rest of the indictment is now in question."


Texas Children's did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Wire.

The DOJ alleged in its four-count indictment that Haim had obtained personal information, including treatment codes, patient names, and the names of physicians at TCH, without authorization, under false pretenses, and with "intent to cause malicious harm to TCH."

If convicted, according to the DOJ, Haim could spend 10 years in federal prison and pay a fine of up to $250,000.

Either way, HIPAA was plainly written to protect patient confidentiality -- not to shield doctors and butchers who are breaking the law with impunity.

People need to go to jail for this. These people must go to prison.

The head of a Scotland "rape crisis" center has stepped down. It was run by a trans man, of course, like all rape centers catering mostly to vulnerable women must be, because we live in The Upside-Down now.

The whole point of a rape crisis center is to give victimized women a place where they can be away from men. But the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Center operated under the mantra of "trans women are women" and maintained there were no men there even as the CEO was a trans woman.

What could possibly go wrong under this policy? Well, we don't have to speculate.

A male sexual predator who harboured "hostility towards women" accessed services at a controversial "trans-inclusive" female rape crisis centre, it has emerged.

Cameron Downing, a former SNP equalities officer who was this week given a nine-year sentence for a catalogue of attacks, claimed to have received extensive support from Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC)...

Downing, who identifies as non-binary and was found by a jury to have falsely accused one of his victims of raping him, said in January 2022 that the ERCC was the reason he was "able to keep going" and that he "cannot put into words how much they've helped me."

Clearly this is not the kind of person you want gaining access to a rape crisis center. They were allowed in under the center's policy of inclusiveness.

This new "inclusiveness" certainly does seem to exclude a lot of people.

John Sexton wonders if we've hit "peak DEI," and now the tides of DEI are receding.

Today, Bloomberg calls the current wave of pullback from corporate DEI the "Great Quieting."
Big US companies such as Ford Motor Co., Lowe's Cos., Harley-Davidson Inc., and Molson Coors Beverage Co. have announced they are backing away from many of the diversity programs they added over the past several years. The list also includes Tractor Supply Co., Deere & Co. and Jack Daniel's distiller Brown-Forman Corp...

So what does the Great Quieting mean for the future of the workplace and workers? We might hear less about Pride parades, or Black Lives Matters. Talk of unconscious bias will be consciously absent. Some companies have already ended their diversity training programs. Employers will still try to recruit and retain the right mix of talents who reflect what's happening demographically in society -- but do it more quietly.

The problem at these companies isn't fear of bad press, it's fear of lawsuits. NPR interviewed David Glasgow, the executive director of the Meltzer Center for Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at the NYU School of Law who admitted as much a few days ago.

I kind of think that for a long time, proponents of DEI have just kind of assumed that the words diversity, equity and inclusion sort of sound good and friendly and warm, and so, you know, people are just going to support them. And I think now we're in a moment where we kind of need to get back on the front foot and make an affirmative case for it.

You know, but the other thing that, you know, it has caused me to reflect on is really the legal landscape because, you know, I work in a research center at a law school, and a lot of the backlash is coming from, really, the legal environment that we're in subsequent to the Supreme Court's decision in the Students for Fair Admissions, you know, affirmative action case last year, and so, you know, we are doing a lot of work thinking about, you know, what are the legal kind of strategies and guidance that organizations need to continue doing this work right now? Because a lot of them are retreating, I think, out of fear of litigation.

Sexton notes that NPR is claiming it's the normies pushing back on explicit race-based discrimination who are the troublemakers here.

The people doing the attacking are, as always, the ones on the left who demand these changes and attack anyone who dares to disagree. But to his credit, David Glasgow at least admits a lot of corporate DEI training is junk, often pushed by some not-very-nice people.

And then I think another legitimate criticism is really approaches to DEI that involve, you know, excessive shaming and cancellation. You know, I think one of the seeds of the backlash was planted, you know, many years ago at the peak of what, you know, some people at that time were calling cancel culture, where, you know, a lot of people were feeling really fearful about, you know, if they make one mistake, if they use, you know, a piece of terminology that's out of date that they didn't realize was outdated, that they were going to get, you know, shamed by other people, you know, in their workplaces or in their, you know, schools or what have you. And so I think those kinds of approaches to DEI are not particularly helpful and have just kind of given fuel to the anti-DEI activists' fire.

Andrew Stiles attended an "MSNBC diversity festival" and came out of it a changed man. By which I mean he transitioned, and now demands to be called Catterine (NOT "Catherine") Moonglow Phosphorouskitty.

What I Learned at the MSNBC 'Democracy' Festival Like church, but for godless library scolds and childless cat ladies

BROOKLYN--The line wraps around the block outside the Howard Gilman Opera House at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. We're here for the afternoon session of "MSNBC Live: Democracy 2024." Everyone looks and talks like the sort of person who would pay hundreds of dollars to wait in line on a college football Saturday to watch Joy Reid and Alex Wagner giggle about potato chips. A gentleman in his 50s, which puts him well below the median age for this crowd, has traveled all the way from San Francisco. "I wake up every morning at 3 a.m. to watch Morning Joe," he tells his new like-minded friends. "I think Steve Kornacki is the cutest little thing."

MSNBC Live is the new event series announced in late 2023 to accommodate Luke Russert's triumphant return to the liberal network. The 39-year-old nepo wunderkind famously quit his job in 2016 to embark on a "quest for enlightenment," which he documented in his accidentally self-deprecating memoir, Look For Me There: Grieving My Father, Finding Myself. Having found himself while drinking and philandering and Instagram posting his way around the world, Russert landed a gig as host and creative director of MSNBC Live. "Democracy 2024" is the first of its kind. Russert walks on stage (about 30 minutes late) to a raucous ovation.


There aren't many words to describe how the crowd reacts. "Orgasmically" is one. But that is also how they react every time they hear a word, name, or prediction that affirms their righteous conviction that Trump and his supporters are bad. This building has become a revivalist church for godless libs or, if you prefer, childless cat ladies and their clinically depressed husbands.


Just when things are starting to quiet down, Ari Melber takes the stage. "If you believe in facts, make some noise!" he beckons. We oblige. "If you believe in justice ..." MSNBC legal analyst Andrew Weissmann, a quasi-religious figure due to his role as lead prosecutor of the Robert Mueller investigation into Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, brings the banter. He mentions the possibility of Melber doing a "mosh pit" (he means crowd surfing) and asks The Beat host how he became "so adept at quoting musical lyrics."

The surprising thing isn't that we have "journalists" appearing at what is plainly a political rally, but that it's not even a political rally. It's a revival tent sermon for raving Satanists.

This is horrible. Strong warning: Here a "nonbinary" girl called Carly Gregg stalks her mother in her own home and shoots her to death. Let's continue pretending that transgenderism isn't mental illness, and in fact will cure all the other untreated mental illnesses these lunatics have.

Update: Every "woke male feminist ally" should be assumed to be a sex-pest until proven otherwise.

Michael Eric Dyson smeared the woman he was trying to get to cyber with him as a, get this, racist, and threw in an attack on "white women's tears" for good measure.

When a white woman rejects your boorish sexual advances, just smear her as a racist and a bigot until she changes her mind. It's the acceptable, woke version of a dude calling a woman a "lesbian" because she isn't buying his pick-up lines.

Note: I moved this from the last post to this post, because I had too many things embedded in the last post and it was making the comments jump around.

Also, because I want to continue trashing Michael Eric Dyson.

I asked in the last post:

When a #MeToo type allegation arises, we often find other women making similar allegations.

Does anyone imagine this is the first woman whose DMs this gross racist toad has slimed into? Because I sure don't.

I wonder who else he has been inappropriate with.

I wonder, on the various collage campuses where he offers his court jester stupidities, what sorts of people, on the college campuses I mean, he may have sent kissy-face emojis to? What kind of people, on a college campus, might he have acted in a pest-y kind of way towards?

Update: A commenter dropped this tasty snack in the previous thread.

Georgetown conducted an investigation into Professor Michael Eric Dyson beginning in February 2020 for allegations of harassment and repeated attempts to establish an off-campus relationship with a female student in one of his Georgetown classes, according to the student and emails obtained by the Voice.

Georgetown's Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action (IDEAA) office began a formal investigation into Dyson's conduct after the student and members of the Black Survivors' Coalition (BSC) raised instances of harassment and inappropriate interactions with students. Allegations against Dyson, one of the country's foremost Black scholars, go back to the 2000s, but this action triggered the first known formal inquiry into Dyson's behavior. The Georgetown investigation, which included interviews with BSC members and the student, extended through the summer of 2020.


The Georgetown student is not the first individual to bring forward allegations against Dyson. Crystal Fleming, a professor at Stony Brook University who helped organize a conference with Dyson while in graduate school, has also made public allegations against Dyson for similar harassing behaviors while he was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. (Editor's Note: Fleming and Dyson did not collaborate on the conference; Fleming organized a conference as a graduate student for which Dyson was asked to speak, which is what spurred their interaction).

Fleming initially shared her experiences in a 2017 Twitter thread about an unnamed professor at the height of the #MeToo movement. Of the professor's influence and harassment, she wrote, "It was such a confusing mix of emotions for a naive 20-something grad student: initially flattery from garnering the interest of a 'star' combined with disappointment and disgust at realizing I was being sexually objectified, rather than treated as an intellectual peer."

After BSC brought additional allegations against Dyson to light, Fleming identified Dyson as her harasser in a March 19, 2021 tweet: "Now that the whisper network has gone public, let me add my voice: I was one of the students Michael Eric Dyson harassed."

Always trust Insinuations from Ace.

Always. Trust. Insinuations. from Ace.

I mean, it's so obvious, right? This is a fat, ugly retard who uses his limited cachet as an entree to hitting on complete strangers. Obviously he hits on his students.

Which was the exact allegation made against him:

In an interview with the Voice, the student, who will remain anonymous, disclosed details of Dyson's harassment while she was enrolled in one of his classes at Georgetown in the fall of 2019. According to the student, sixty-two-year-old Dyson attempted to use his status and connections to establish a relationship outside of the classroom. The student alleged repeated private dinner invitations off campus, personal text messages, and incidents of unwanted physical touch and proximity--including invasions of personal space and an instance of Dyson massaging the student in class. When she offered to meet Dyson during office hours instead, according to the student, he insisted on private conversations outside an academic setting.

We look gorgeous together baby!

Do you have a map? Because I've gotten lost in your eyes!

This is a man who obviously makes women uncomfortable, but think he's some kind of Charming Player, so he doesn't know he makes women uncomfortable (or he gets off on making them uncomfortable).

When you hear "male feminist ally," your brain should process these words as "rape whistle."

digg this
posted by Ace at 06:00 PM

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