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September 10, 2024

The Morning Report — 9/10/24


Good Morning Kids.

As the estimable Danniel Greenfield reminded us just last March:

Haiti is not just a failed state, it’s a perpetually failed state. When was the last time Haiti was functional?

The Clinton administration implemented what it called Operation Uphold Democracy in the 90s and invaded Haiti to implement regime change. The entire ugly episode helped wreck whatever law and order existed at the time.

The Clintons later dived back in to “help Haiti”, but mostly to help themselves to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. Obama promised that we will not “forsake you”. Fast forward to 2024 and Haiti has been in an extended state of disaster, under perpetual TPS immigration status and incapable of doing much for itself.

In 2023, the Biden administration had directed $110 million to Haiti through the summer, followed by another $65 million to bolster Haiti’s police force.

Yes, Haiti has been a basket case since the French were overthrown over 200 years ago. After dumping billions of dollars mostly into the pockets of the Duvaliers and whoever the Duvalier du jour is today with no doubt a very large chunk of change winding up in Chppaqua as the Clintons danced on the smoldering ruins of Port au Prince in the wake of the 2010 quake.

Now let us go somewhere far removed from Haiti, or so we thought. That is, Columbus Ohio.

In addition to strained government resources, Yost alleged that locals in the state have complained about migrants causing car crashes, squatting in homes, killing wildlife for food and stealing property, according to the press release. He cited the town of Springfield as an example, saying the town has “swollen by more than a third” because of the migrant influx.

“Ohio is a great place to work and live,” Yost continued on Monday. “But overwhelming our small towns with massive migrant populations without any coordination or assistance from the federal government is changing that in front of our eyes.”

There are confirmed reports of ducks and geese from local parks as well as citizens' pet cats being killed, gutted and eaten in public.

Horrid as this is, the rapes, robberies and murders, open terrorism from Venezuelan gangsters, and soon Islamic terrorists, that have been the result of the intentional erasure o our borders by the Kamala-orama Kalorama junta since they were installed in 2020 and quite frankly, since Teddy Kennedy's disastrous Hart-Celler act of 1965 laid the groundwork for turning America into yet another third world shit-hole, via the erasure of not just our borders but of our heritage, culture and history, all so that the Democrats could maintain a voting base of illiterate peasantry, to augment American blacks whose lives they destroyed the previous year with the Great Society.

And more than a mere anecdotal few of the former are as revolted by all of this as any rational, normal citizen would be. Scales falling from eyes? TBD.

With all of that, on top of a shattered economy, and a world in flames, we have tonight's debate between Trump and the cackler. A number of links with interesting prognostications, as if it is really going to change anyone's mind. If roasting park water fowl and your neighbors' cats can't convince you to at least not vote for this insanity, if not for Trump, then you have less brain function than Biden.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:19 AM

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