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September 04, 2024
Sylvester Stallone Reveals: I Survived an Abortion Attempt
Guy's been fighting since he was the size of an egg.
Sylvester Stallone, the star and writer of Rocky, shocked his daughters during an interview on their podcast when he mentioned that his mother tried to abort him.
His daughters, Sophia and Sistine, interviewed him on their podcast, Unwaxed, about the documentary, "Sly," which tells Stallone's life story. He started talking about his childhood in a home where "everybody was extremely unhappy with who they were."
He said his mother and father "were not parents" and not interested in raising children. Sistine said that she noticed in the documentary that he mentioned that his mother was nervous to have him, and she asked if he ever felt unwanted as a child.
He said that he felt hesitant sharing the story, but that his mother would regularly tell him "The only reason you're here is because the hanger didn't work." She also told him, "If there was really something wrong with your brain," she would have left him near an open window to freeze to death, "because I'd be doing you a favor."
He clarified that he was not joking.
All-Time mother of the year first ballot.
Happy Humpday. I hope the weather near you has turned more reasonable. I did not enjoy this summer. Too hot too often with few breaks.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
12:00 PM
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