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June 26, 2024

Pro-Hamas Thugs Beat Up Jews Outside of a Synogogue in LA; The Cops Take the Side of Hamas

Noah Pollack was there at the scene. Not as a reporter, but as a father taking his child to temple.

The Pogrom on Pico Boulevard

I went to synagogue with my kids to learn a bit about real estate in Israel. Instead, we witnessed a street battle.

By Noah Pollak

AFP/Getty Images

On Sunday, a synagogue in the largest Jewish neighborhood in Los Angeles hosted a small, privately advertised event for those interested in purchasing homes or second homes in Israel. "The Great Israeli Real Estate Event" at Adas Torah synagogue wasn't political and it had nothing to do with the Gaza war. But within moments of its noon start time, it became the backdrop to the worst antisemitic violence in Los Angeles since an attack on Jewish diners at a restaurant in 2021.

Over the course of several hours, with dozens of LAPD officers decked out in riot gear largely staying out of the fray, around 100 pro-Hamas activists attacked, bear-sprayed, harassed, and brawled with Jews up and down Pico Boulevard.

The police occasionally stepped in, but their main activity Sunday afternoon seemed to ensure that the activists were able to successfully shut down the front entrance to the synagogue, ruin the event, and harass Jews more or less with impunity. Dozens of video clips from Sunday afternoon have been posted online (a good roundup is here). The striking thing about the footage is that despite the significant police presence, there is scant footage of the police forcefully intervening in the numerous fistfights, brawls, and beatings.

I had come to the synagogue with my kids not to get caught up in a street battle but to learn a bit about real estate in Israel. As violence across America has grown without much pushback--especially in cities where Jews live--many Jews are thinking about alternative plans, or at least exploring their options.

It turns out that Hamas sympathizers have been keeping close tabs on events hosted by synagogues in America. They knew about the event in advance, and were putting out calls on social media via groups like Code Pink and the "Palestinian Youth Movement" to mobilize their keffiyeh-clad thugs to show up at Adas Torah at "12PM SHARP" ready for action. The same groups that promoted Sunday's violence, it turns out, had also shown up at similar real estate events earlier this year in Toronto, Montreal, and Teaneck, New Jersey.

The social media posts about the event were designed to generate maximum mob outrage: "OUR LAND IS NOT FOR SALE! This Sunday, a real estate event will be marketing homes in 'anglo neighborhoods' in effort [sic] to further occupy Palestine," reads one post. One doesn't need to be a scholar of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to note that there is no distinction made here between Israel proper and disputed territories. To them, all of Israel is Palestine, all of Israel should be destroyed, and every home inhabited by a Jew on any part of this land is a crime.

These public social media posts are quite open about the goal of violence. "The Nakba is ongoing and must be confronted! FROM THE BELLY OF THE BEAST / NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE."

But I knew none of this when I loaded my kids into my car and headed over to "THE BELLY OF THE BEAST," an American synagogue. My wife, who was out running errands, would meet us there.

[A]s I got closer, the truly meaningful spectacle came into view: behind the phalanx of LAPD, on the sidewalk in front of the synagogue, were the Hamas supporters. When I walked up to the police with my boys and asked if I could enter the synagogue, they told me not to come any closer and said that I should leave.

I asked calmly but incredulously, "Shouldn't you be making sure this place stays open?" The reply was: "You should leave."

Police were unwilling to confront, arrest, and prosecute bad actors. Jews were being policed in the name of "safety." In Los Angeles and other big cities, and on many elite campuses, the message from authorities is essentially: things would be so much easier if you stayed off campus, avoided the library, didn't go to your synagogue, and overall just stayed away from the mobs that regularly gather to confront you.

It's important to note that this approach applies only to certain kinds of people. If a hundred masked Christian Republicans, say, had gathered in front of a Los Angeles mosque on Sunday and assaulted Muslims, we would now be several days into a national news cycle about Islamophobia and injustice in America. There would be joint LAPD-FBI task forces kicking down doors, and press conferences, vigils, presidential speeches, and multipart investigative reports from numerous leading publications.

Liberal Jews continue insulting their actual allies on the right, while excusing the behavior of their false Democrat allies.

More from David Strom.

A video below the fold.

Tom Cotton says Biden is lying about arms deliveries to Israel.

It's blocking them, but refusing to deliver the required reports to Congress, thus dictatorially keeping Congress in the dark about it.

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., slammed President Joe Biden for what he said was "deliberately misleading the American people" regarding the administration's rhetoric with regard to weapons shipments to Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week that the U.S. is withholding weapons shipments to Israel, which the Biden administration denied, saying that aid is flowing normally to Israel.

"Your administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel during a shooting war," Cotton wrote in a letter to Biden.

The White House is required to notify Congress about foreign arms exports; however, the Biden administration has been withholding formal notification from Congress about deliveries to Israel, which allows the administration to claim the shipments are "in process," while never being ultimately delivered, according to Cotton.

Speaking of Biden and his pro-Hamas terrorist government:

Oli London @OliLondonTV

This was Fadi Al-Wadiya.

This man worked as 'Doctors Without Borders' physiotherapist.

The organization and multiple media outlets mourned his death calling it "abhorrent" and claiming he was "on his way to provide vital medical care" when he was killed in a drone strike.

In reality, he was a senior rocket expert for Palestinian terror group, PIJ.

Doctors without Border's slammed the death saying:

"Killing a healthcare worker while on his way to provide vital medical care to wounded victims of the endless massacres across Gaza is beyond shocking; it's cynical and abhorrent."

The IDF has revealed that he was a terrorist involved in the development of missiles and rockets used to attack innocent civilians inside Israel.

Source: Times of Israel

That tweet is here, with a picture of the justifiably assassinated terrorist.

Meanwhile, CNN is running Pallywood propaganda, crying that people were killed when Israel rescued four people being held hostage by terrorists.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 165516.png

Bullet holes fleck the bloodstained walls of the Miqdad family home, in Nuseirat camp, central Gaza.

CNN footage from the house shows a cream teddy bear perched on a white cupboard, with broken plastic strewn across the shelves. In another room, mother-of-four Rasha Abdel Miqdad shudders with grief, before breaking down in tears.

"This is the blood of my son, Yamen. May God bless his soul," the 32-year-old Palestinian told CNN on June 12. "My son was innocent.

"We are civilians, and we have no connection to the resistance or anything or any faction. We have no connection to it at all."

CNN spoke to seven members of the family who described a horror-filled haze of gunfire, tank artillery and aerial bombardment around their home on June 8. Israeli forces stormed through the building searching for militants and indiscriminately spraying bullets, according to the family members. Four people suffered gunshot wounds, leaving one child severely injured and 12-year-old Yamen dead, the family alleged to CNN. Soldiers interrogated and beat male relatives, and forced a child to strip, relatives claimed.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released footage on June 16 showing forces in the Miqdad's house on the same day as a high-profile hostage rescue operation nearby. In the heavily edited video, shared on social media and described as forces "securing the area" during the operation, members of the Israeli Paratroopers Reconnaissance Battalion appear to enter the home. The video does not show what happened on the third floor, where the family say they were attacked.

CNN has reached out to the IDF but has not received a response to the specific allegations made.

According to Hamas, all Israelis are members of the IDF and therefore are valid targets. Even the children. Even the elderly and infirm.

The same logic applies to Gazans.

Fuck you.

Check out this Pallywood "picture" -- obviously an AI-generated "cheap fake," as Latrine John-Pissoir would say.

While the left is beating the hell out of Jews...

...Greenblatt of the highly-partisan ADL positively cites a Washington Examiner about an anti-Israel leftwing group. That group is shown, in the second slide, to be funded by... George Soros.

In the third slide, Greenblatt declares that criticizing George Soros is a "dog-whistle" for antisemtism.

So he approves of calling out this organization as antisemetic. But he also says that it's antisemitic to say that George Soros funds it.


Because George Soros pays him to claim that any criticism of him is antisemitic.

You know how you pound a square peg into a round hole? With a mallet made of a thick block of George Soros' filthy money.

Liberal Jews need to stop insulting their allies on the right. We're not demanding you join the Republican Party. At least, I'm not. We know most Jews are "congenital Democrats."

But we are getting very, very tired of liberal Jews looking past the people who are actually beating Jews up and playing the "knockout game" with random Jews to attack the right and accuse us of being responsible for Democrat/leftist crimes.

At some point, they will find that they've tossed out one insult too many, and the support on the right for Jews will start to dissolve.

And then they'll be left to court the Hamas Block of the Democrat Party for support.

And good luck with that.

Jewish donors should insist on the firing of Greenblatt from the ADL. He's a liability, and starting to cause even the most philosemitic gentiles, such as myself, to begin questioning my support.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:27 PM

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