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June 26, 2024

Quick Hits

The Bee:


Rep Andy Biggs @RepAndyBiggsAZ

The House just passed my amendment to defund the office of the DHS Secretary.

Alejandro Mayorkas--who was impeached earlier this year--doesn't deserve a single penny from American taxpayers.

It won't even come to a vote in the Senate, of course.

In an earlier post, I said that leftwing media types and pollsters always talk as if the the issue of "protecting democracy" is an issue that helps Biden, completely unwilling to confront the fact that Biden has weaponized the government against his political opponents and continually usurps the power of Congress as he declares his one-man "Presidential Law."

To say nothing of his unilateral decision to dissolve the southern border and make illegal alien foreigners the equals of American citizens.

Swing state voters who will decide the election say that Trump, not Biden, will do a better job of Preserving Our Precious Democracy.

Swing-state 'deciders' trust Trump more than Biden to protect democracy: Poll

by Lauren Sforza - 06/26/24 9:22 AM ET

Voters in key states who will likely decide the election trust former President Trump more than President Biden to handle threats to democracy, according to a survey released Wednesday.

The poll, conducted by The Washington Post/Schar School, surveyed voters across six swing states and identified a subgroup of respondents labeled as "deciders." It found that 38 percent of "deciders" said Trump would do a better job of handling threats of democracy to the U.S., while 29 percent said Biden and 23 percent said neither.

During Pride Month, Washington Post?


(Only three days left to make that joke -- let's make those three days count!)

Roughly 60 percent of the group also said they are not satisfied at all with how democracy is working in the U.S.

Yeah -- the question is easily interpreted this way. The left intends the question to be interpreted as "Wasn't January 6th worse that 9/11 times a Day Which Will Live in Infamy?," but most people interpret it as "is the government responsive to your wishes as voters."

Most voters don't think it is, though their reasons for saying so vary.

Those labeled as "deciders" include respondents who voted in the 2016 or 2020 election, are under the age of 25, have been registered to vote since 2022, are undecided and may not vote or someone who changed the party they support between 2016 and 2020.

Among all swing state voters, 44 percent said they trust the presumptive GOP nominee more to protect democracy, while 33 percent said the incumbent. About 16 percent said they trusted neither, and 7 percent said they trusted both equally, per the poll.

Nearly three-quarters of "deciders" said they believe Trump would not accept the results of the election if he lost in November, while 33 percent said the same of Biden. Nearly half of the subgroup said Trump would try to be a dictator if he won, and just 15 percent said Biden would.

The poll surveyed 3,513 voters across the key swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin between April 15 and May 30. The pollsters identified 2,255 "deciders" from the respondents.

Under 25 years old, remember.

And they still trust Trump more.

Trust Trump -- should be a slogan.

Two shocks about Jamaal Bowman: One, his "Ph.D. dissertation" was about, you'll never guess, Critical Race Theory or CRT.

Boy, I never saw that one coming.

Two: He is alleged to have plagiarized it from others.

Mind. Blown. Krrrsssh.

Jamaal Bowman, the controversial New York congressman, often appeals to his work as a former school principal and his Ed.D. in education as the basis for his policy positions.

But, according to our analysis, Bowman's primary academic work -- his 2019 dissertation, "Community Schools: The Perceptions and Practices that Foster Broad-Based Collaboration among Leaders with the Community School Ecosystem" -- is riddled with basic errors, failures of logic, and multiple instances of plagiarism. (Bowman did not return a request for comment.)

Bowman has boasted about the paper on social media and considers it formative to his political orientation. When asked recently about his political views, Bowman said, "I identify as an educator, and as a Black man in America. But my policies align with those of a socialist, so I guess that makes me a socialist."

The dissertation, which Bowman completed at Manhattanville College, says that "Black, Latinx, and poor White children have been historically oppressed throughout American history," and as recompense makes an argument for "community schools," a concept developed by the Brazilian Marxist pedagogist Paulo Freire, in which schools would be expanded to provide full-time government services for every aspect of society, including for adults.

The statistical work in the paper is limited, and the method primarily consisted of "qualitative" research, with Bowman interviewing 13 school administrators, activists, and parents.

Remember, a dissertation is not a term paper to prove you read the material. It's supposed to be an original work of research that adds to the corpus of knowledge in a field.

Bowman interviewed 13 of his pals and fellow teachers. That's his contribution to academics. Chatting with some colleagues and writing up their claims.

Each was immediately placed in a demographic box and assigned the role of oppressor or oppressed. For example, Bowman wrote that "Ms. Melendez, a parent leader at Manny Ramirez High School, was born in the Dominican Republican [sic]" and is a true member of the New York community, while "Ms. Warren, who identified racially as White, discussed being very aware of being 'a visitor in someone else [sic] community all the time.'"

Bowman's community schools model holds that the government, not parents, is responsible for children's success. Bowman quotes one school official saying, "Families don't have any deficits. If a mother is collecting welfare, so what?"

Bowman's paper also appears to include multiple instances of plagiarism.

In one passage, Bowman explains critical race theory, one of his theoretical methods, by copying from another author's summary of the 2001 book, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction. He takes the passages from R. Rolon-Dow without quotation marks, as required by academic authors. In the copied passage, Bowman merely substitutes "Latino/Latina" with "Latinx/Latina," following the latest academic fashion, although it appears that he misunderstood the purpose of the "x" noun ending, which is to remove gendered language like "Latina." He also inserts a typo by changing "the intersection between race/ethnicity and caring" to "the intersection between race/ethnicity caring."

See the article for further proofs of plagiarism.

The paper provides little in the way of meaningful advances in scholarship. "As a pragmatic study, no attempt was made here to generalize these data. The researcher studied the phenomenon of collaboration among leaders within the Community School ecosystem within its natural setting. This study reported based simply on the results found," it concluded.

The general observation amounts to a form of racial reductionism, separating people into identity categories and judging them according to their ancestry.

Well that is CRT, so I guess he passes his high school term paper on it.

Oh wait, right, this is supposed to be a Ph.D. which other academics will read and cite in future papers, yeah?

Trump is claiming that Philadelphia is Trump country -- oh no, that means more black MAGA thugs gently-placing lamp-cord "nooses" around gay actor's necks -- and Beege Wellborne says the Philadelphia Inquirer seems worried that he might be right.

Former President Donald Trump stood in the heart of North Philadelphia Saturday and portrayed it as a "wild time" in the city, saying violent crime has surged and vowing to send federal law enforcement if he's elected. Advertisement

In an 85-minute speech that included multiple appeals to Hispanic and Black voters, he slammed his rivals as "despicable," proposed a fighting league for migrants, falsely claimed he'd won the city of Philadelphia in past elections, and described President Joe Biden's tenure in dark terms.

"Biden's wave of bedlam and death and terror will begin to recede the moment I take the oath of office," Trump said. "There are certain places, like places that I know very well here, that are just absolutely out of control."

Status: True

The [Philadelphia rally] put in stark relief the effort the Republican nominee is making to win over voters -- especially people of color -- in traditionally Democratic strongholds. He recently rallied in Las Vegas and the South Bronx, N.Y. At the rally Saturday, the Trump campaign's second in Philly this month, signs read: "Philadelphia is Trump country."

"I was like, Philly? Is he sure?" said Tom Mathena, 47, a Trump supporter and construction worker from Wilmington. "It was a bold move."

Biden is still expected to win Philadelphia handily. But even a small shift in votes could hand Trump Pennsylvania, a key battleground where he and Biden are polling neck-and-neck and a state that could tilt the Electoral College.

Can Trump contest the blue states? A new Sienna poll shows Evil Nurse Kathy Hochul and Angry Vegetable Joe Biden at rock-bottom favorability. At the Center Square:

The Siena College poll found that Hochul's favorability rating was 38-49%, while her job approval rating was 44-50%. Both were down from a previous poll and the lowest since she took office in August 2021.


Hochul's latest poll numbers are even worse than those of Biden, who 42% of respondents viewed favorably. The poll found Biden leading the presumptive Republican nominee, former President Trump, by single digits, 47%-39%.

New York Republicans who usually don't vote because their vote doesn't matter should probably start making sure their voter status is up to date. Your vote will matter, if enough of you decide to vote this year.

Senator Ron Johnson says he now knows why Gina Haspel illegally refused to comply with his subpoenas relating to the "51 intelligence officials" psyop:

Trump is not only ahead in the polls, but he just pulled ahead in fundraising, too.

Thanks to the Fake Conviction.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:32 PM

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