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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (6/19/24) »
June 19, 2024
Entmoot Cafe

Nature is Amazing
The 2024 New Zealand Tree of the Year is the remarkable Metrosideros robusta, nicknamed The Walking Tree, located near a cemetery on South Island.
As I keep trying to tell everybody: Nature is gross and weird. (Does anyone know what this is?)
Based golden says sharing is for suckers.
Evil river otter.
Winding up for a massive headbutt.
Fish migration transporter tube.
Murdering Joe, I mean Morning Joe, says this 392 year old Greenland shark is "the best version of Joe Biden I've ever seen." Then he was seen taking a box of lime to a locker.
Saving a dog from a deep pit with an excavator.
Cute burrowing owls.
Watch to the end, you won't guess the ending.
A friendly deer changes a hunter's mind.
Baby goats hopping around.
Flying shark. Okay it's not flying, but it looks like it is.
This wildlife photographer has gotten too involved with her subjects.
"Scrubbing the tortoise," as they say in England.
Getting stuck behind the street sweeper.
A dangerous drop-bear prepares to attack.
Hmm? Hm? Hm! Hmmm...?
Puppy prank.
Baby elephant rushes over when he here's his caregiver say his name during an interview.
The stairs at Yosemite Falls:

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:29 PM
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