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June 19, 2024

Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (6/19/24)



The Quote of The Day

Quote I

“I kinda had to laugh at the amateur-hour situation there. If you’re gonna commit arson, try to do it without setting yourself on fire in the process. He got what he deserved,” neighbor Daniel Provine


There are a number of Colorado Morons here. Hopefully you will put your .02 in regarding pot sales.

Colorado's legal marijuana business is at least one toke over the line as a massive decrease in sales has led to store closures and layoffs across the state.

Politico recently reported that Denver's 3D Cannabis dispensary, where Iraq War vet Sean Azzariti became the first person to legally buy recreational marijuana, has "temporarily closed." But the boards on the doors and windows and the dismal state of the parking lot make the closure appear much closer to permanent.


Resident of the White House, MushHead decides to have a dick measuring contest with Israel. Yet Iran can do as it pleases.

The White House canceled a high-level U.S.-Israel meeting on Iran that was scheduled for Thursday after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video on Tuesday claiming the U.S. was withholding military aid, two U.S. officials tell Axios.

Why it matters: President Biden's top advisers were enraged by the video — a message U.S. envoy Amos Hochstein delivered personally to Netanyahu in a meeting hours after it was published, two U.S. and Israeli sources say. Then the White House decided to go a step farther by canceling Thursday's meeting.

"This decision makes it clear that there are consequences for pulling such stunts," a U.S. official said.


I received the following from Nurse Ratched. The Toaster F*cker, axis of prestige.(NSFW Language)


Don't hold those sneezes in. The ONT Is Always Looking Out For YouTM

SEIZE THE SNEEZE Horrific scans reveal why you should never hold in a sneeze – as hay fever sufferer, 30, perforates his windpipe
Doing so can increase pressure in the airways by 20 times and have horrific consequences, doctors say


Cause and/or correlation? Just remember energy drink consumers. Coffee is the nectar of God.

ccording to Yahoo Finance, the energy drink industry was valued at a whopping $92.3 billion as of 2022, with analysts believing that figure will more than double by 2032.

These massive numbers indicate that people love their flavored, "liquid cocaine" so to speak and that there isn't any sign folks will stop gulping them down anytime soon.

However, a TikToker named Meagan (@ladyshreve) says that folks shouldn't be drinking them under any circumstances after her husband ended up begging her to take him to the hospital after he began experiencing chest pains.

While there were some TikTokers who agreed with her in the comments section of her post, there were others who said these this instances usually only occur when people are pounding multiple energy drinks in a day along with other sources of caffeine.

"My husband didn't really want me to talk about this it when it first happened but it's been six months and we're gonna go ahead and talk about it. This is the story about how I've become the obnoxious person that tells you that energy drinks are dangerous," Meagan says at the beginning of her video, letting everyone know that this is a topic she feels so very strongly about.


There is a special place in hell for the thief/thieves.

'It was just gone': Playground stolen from Jacksonville school for children with autism
Growing Together Behavioral Center just installed a playground at its new location on Art Museum Drive, and it disappeared in the middle of the night.


Since we have a Genius Award Winner later in the thread, this will have to do. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat almost instantaneously.

SHOULDER THE BLAME Awkward moment swimmer qualifies for Olympics then immediately dislocates his shoulder celebrating
The teenager was later taken to hospital for checks


The ONT Musical Interlude & Empty Emporium

June 19, 2013, pioneering country artist Slim Whitman died at the age of 90. During his seven-decade-long career, Whitman released more than 500 songs and 100 albums and was known for incorporating falsetto vocals and yodeling into his music. The singer-songwriter toured with Elvis and was a favorite of George Harrison’s, while his techniques as a left-handed guitarist inspired another famous lefty, Paul McCartney. via


Born on this day: June 19, 1950. Ann Wilson, from American rock band Heart who scored the 1987 US No.1 & UK No.3 single 'Alone'. Heart has sold over 35 million records world wide


He failed every murder show multiple choice test: means, motive and alibi. Genius Award Winner.

Plastic surgeon ‘operating on his wife left her seizing on table for 20 minutes’

A plastic surgeon who was performing a procedure on his wife allegedly left her seizing on an operating table for 20 minutes, leading to her death.

Dr Benjamin Jacob Brown, 41, has been arrested more than six months after his wife, Hillary Ellington Brown, 33, went into cardiac arrest and he refused to call 911, according to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office.


Hopefully this act will lead to a better life. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

Police Officer Makes Child's Day With Simple Act Of Kindness

Today's good news story comes from Memphis, Tennessee.

In a heartwarming act of kindness, a Memphis police officer went above and beyond his duty to ensure a young boy could continue pursuing his passion for football.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Playing With Sharp Objects.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. No hamsters, little brothers or mother-in-laws injured by the production of this ONT.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:58 PM

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