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June 19, 2024

Quick Hits

Nurse Kathy Hochul, who demanded that little children be masked up all day in preschool, now wants to ban masking on subways and at "protests" so that criminals cannot hide their faces.

You know, as every other civilized country has done for 300 years, until the Summer of George, when we not only demanded masking but we legalized banditry.

A new proposal by Gov. Kathy Hochul to ban masks on the New York subway is drawing backlash from civil liberties groups and disability advocates, reviving a long-standing debate about the right to anonymous protest that has only grown more complex since the pandemic.

Hochul, a Democrat, backed the idea this week following a spate of confrontations involving masked pro-Palestinian activists that the governor and others have characterized as antisemitic. She said the legislation -- which has not yet been crafted -- would include "common-sense exemptions" for those who cover their faces for medical or religious reasons.

If the ban does go into effect, New York would join a growing number of states that have embraced laws against public masking to clamp down on activists who conceal their faces at protests.

But the new restrictions raise constitutional questions, according to Jay Stanley, a policy director at the American Civil Liberties Union, since they appear aimed at stopping a specific group from an activity that is widely practiced by members of the public.

You mean criminals? Anarchists? Terrorists?

Oh no, we wouldn't want to chill their First Amendment right to throw Asian women in front on oncoming subway cars.

A New York appellate court has refused to end the gag order on Trump, despite the trial being over.

They're not even hiding it, are they?

The New York Court of Appeals has upheld the gag order against former President Donald Trump, refusing to lift restrictions on his communication about the case and involved parties. This order was originally set by Judge Juan Merchan and remains in effect despite Trump's legal team arguing that it infringes on First Amendment rights amidst the presidential race.

The gag order, which restricts Trump from making public comments about witnesses, the case, and associated legal counsel, has been a point of contention. Trump's team highlighted the impending presidential debates and ongoing campaign activities as vital reasons for lifting the order. They claim the restrictions not only silence Trump but also prevent voters from fully hearing his political messages.

Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for Trump's campaign, criticized the decision, labeling it as an election-interfering move that uniquely targets Trump while leaving his adversaries, including Joe Biden, free to speak.

He can appeal to NY's highest court (the Court of Appeals) and maybe just appeal directly to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Actress Patricia Heaton was sadly duped by her own Cheap Fake eyes and spreads the dangerous Russian disinformation that Biden is incapacitated.

[This] isn't about politics anymore. He is clearly incapacitated. This is very bad optics and even more, bad for our national security. The Democrats must find a new candidate even if it's the slimy Gavin Newsom. Right now, there is no way that President Biden is actually in charge. So the question is, who is? Americans should know who is making the decisions. This can't go on for another four years should the Democrats win.


He also reminds me of my dad at this age. I can't imagine putting my father in such a situation in this condition. Imagine a wife allowing her husband's frailty to be paraded across an international stage in such an undignified manner in service of political power. Quite Shakespearean. And unthinkable. And yet here we are.

Why don't you believe Tater, Hater?


Greg Gutfeld suggest that while the Gaslight Media is in a correcting-the-record mood, maybe they'll correct and retract some of the many hoaxes they've previously pushed.

The Federalist: the Gaslight Media is in full propaganda mode. Again.

The truth is, they're not even trying very hard anymore. CNN's Oliver Darcy wrote that the video was a fabrication without offering any explanation or evidence to back up the claim. On MSNBC, Nicolle Wallace didn't merely contend the tape was part of a "growing and insidious trend in right-wing media" to spread "highly misleading and selectively edited videos," she played an edited clip of the incident that cuts out the worst part.

"Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral," says NBC News, in what can only be described as a piece of propaganda. "The fact-checks have trouble keeping up."

Indeed, the "fact-checks" were particularly astonishing. The Associated Press's "FACT FOCUS" not only relied on "Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer," "White House spokesperson Andrew Bates," "White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre," but also "Lewis Kay, a spokesperson for Jimmy Kimmel," to allegedly debunk the Obama video.

The Washington Post's factcheckers argue that a video of a perplexed Biden at the G7 summit in Apulia, Italy, was achieved by "deceptive framing." The headline of the piece read, "'Cheapfake' Biden videos enrapture right-wing media, but deeply misleads."

Deeply? The Post offers an alternative video of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni gathering Biden before the president could wander away that is probably more misleading than the original. It was edited to exclude the fact that Biden is completely out of sync with every other world leader, all of whom are paying attention to the parachuter who landed right in front of them. Despite the Four Pinocchios, both clips show him "meandering."

It is true that the video of Biden fruitlessly trying to find his chair during a D-Day commemoration was misleading. There was a chair. The video now shows us an old man struggling to accomplish the simple physical act of sitting down. Because he's old. It is transparently ridiculous to keep denying this truth.

I didn't know there was a chair there, but the video wasn't deceptively edited or framed -- the video was the video from the event. And we can see that Biden just can't do basic physical things, like sitting, without a lot of struggle.

In this fresh video, Biden's bodyman has to help him "climb" up into an SUV. Note the Praetorian guard circling around Biden to prevent the press from taking video of this and exposing his infirmity.

Not that it's necessary -- all Biden has to do is order his media allies to embargo this story, and they rush to comply:


RedState's Bonchie calls the White House's state of mind "demented."

Oh wait, he said "delusional."

So how are the various handlers surrounding Biden handling their current situation? A new report paints a bleak picture as responses range from delusional to despondent. We'll start with the former.
Alex Thompson @AlexThomp

Mike Donilon, Biden's top political aide, has reassured ppl that voters will "do the right thing" by rejecting Trump, per a Biden aide who has heard him say it.

"Joe Biden is a great president, and great presidents get re-elected," is another common Donilon refrain.

Great president more like grated cheese amirite

He also says "Don't worry, I've got a fever, and that fever is More January 6th Propaganda."


Other Democrats dissent -- anonymously, because the article points out that Biden "exiles dissidents."

January 6th political prisoners nod in agreement.

While Donilon insists that Biden "won" in 2020 (citation needed) because he spoke about the "soul of the nation" being in peril, other people think that the covid pandemic and Trump-exhaustion were the deciding factors.


You know what troubles "the soul of the nation"? The fact that 3,200 stores are projected to shut down this year thanks to Biden's Miracle Economy.

Retailers are closing nearly 3,200 stores this year, a 24% increase from 2023, as more companies cite inflation and high costs for their bankruptcies and shutdowns.

Key Details:

Nearly 3,200 store closures in 2024, up 24% from last year.

Major closures include Family Dollar, Tupperware, and Rue21.

Inflation and retail theft are primary reasons for the closures.

And what's Biden doing as North Korea signs a mutual defense treaty with the our super-duper number one enemy Russia?

You know -- serious stuff.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a new mutual defense agreement Wednesday, pledging support if either country is attacked. Meanwhile, the Biden administration has drawn criticism for welcoming the cast of Queer Eye to the White House, raising questions as to the administration's priorities as America's enemies strengthen ties.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:15 PM

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