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June 06, 2024

FBI Settles Political Retaliation Lawsuit Against Patriotic Agent; Meanwhile Andrew McCable Whines That Trump Might Politically Retaliate Against the FBI

From SmoosieQ, Marcus Allen was not only suspended without pay for over two years for forwarding news articles expressing doubts about the official J6 Approved Regime narrative, he had all of his security clearances cancelled, so he could not work in the security field, which is one of the few options a former FBI agent can get for decent-paying employment.

A report on the weaponization of government concluded:

"Because these open-source articles questioned the FBI's handling of the violence at the Capitol, the FBI suspended Allen for 'conspiratorial views in regard to the events of January 6th,'" the report states, adding that the FBI did not give him approval to seek outside employment during his suspension.

This is what they do: They literally starve you and force you to borrow yourself into bankruptcy until you capitulate and go along with the Regime's agenda.

The FBI has settled with former FBI agent Marcus Allen rather than seeing this egregious political retaliation case going to court.

Oh -- and just to make sure he was radioactive and unemployable, the FBI branded him a traitor to the US.

FBI specialist whose US 'allegiance' was questioned over Capitol riot claims regains security clearance

An FBI staffer punished for harboring so-called "conspiratorial" views about the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot has regained his security clearance as part of a settlement with the bureau -- and won back pay lost while on ice, according to a whistleblower nonprofit that represented him.

Staff operations specialist Marcus Allen was informed May 31 that his top secret security clearance had been reinstated following his suspension over "security concerns" about his "allegiance to the United States," a letter from the FBI's HR department shows.

HR -- Human Reeducation.


Allen shared concerns about FBI Director Christopher Wray giving "untruthful" testimony to Congress about concerning the degree of involvement of confidential human sources on January 6th.

"There is a good possibility the DC elements of our organization are not being forthright about the events of the day or the influence of government assets," Allen later wrote in a letter to his leadership chain, which led to his security clearance being pulled.


Allen resigned from the FBI on Monday and was awarded full back pay and benefits for the 27 months he was "unjustly suspended," Leavitt said, citing a settlement agreement.


"While waiting for your office to complete its work and for the FBI to consider our appeal of his clearance revocation, the Bureau denied Mr. Allen's request to accept other employment and even argued that his family could not accept charitable donations from the public because he was technically still subject to gift rules--although he had no pay and no official duties for more than two years."

Suspended without pay, deliberately smeared and rendered unemployable, and refused even the ability to accept charity.

They wanted him dead, in other words.

Perjurer Andrew McCabe looks at these facts and sees who the Real Victims are here -- all these patriotic straight-shooter Stasi commandants who worry that Trump will do to them what they've been doing to everyone else for a decade.

Meanwhile, the same "intelligence officials" who rigged the last election and run op after op on the American public say you should be very, very worried that Trump will weaponize the intelligence services... against people the intelligence services have weaponized themselves in favor of.

Note what the headline promises:

If Trump wins, he could weaponize U.S. spy services against his domestic political enemies, former intel officers warn

Now look at who they interviewed:

Donald Trump could turn America's spy services into weapons of "retribution" against domestic political opponents, skew intelligence findings in favor of authoritarian leaders and undermine information sharing with U.S. allies if he wins a second term, more than a dozen former intelligence officers, Western officials and lawmakers tell NBC News.

Ah, we were promised "intel officers," but now we find out you're talking to "Western officials" -- the same people who ran the Steele op, maybe -- and "lawmakers."

In other words: Democrat Party hacks.

And only "more than a dozen"?

We wouldn't want Trump interfering in, say, Ukraine's prosecution of Hunter Biden's paymaster Burisma.

And you couldn't get "51 former and current intelligence officials" to sign up for this new op, huh? Just "more than a dozen," including "lawmakers," are signing up for this one.

Given Trump's track record during and after his first term, including his public remarks lambasting the intelligence services, his alleged mishandling of classified information...

Much like Elderly Man With a Poor Memory, who at no point had the right to possess these classified documents at all. Trump had that right. The only argument is about how long he's allowed to hold on to them.

... his vows to seek vengeance against his political opponents, and plans by his allies to purge large numbers of career civil servants deemed to be members of a "deep state" cabal, former intelligence officers worry that the spy agencies could suffer irreparable damage.

"I'm very concerned. And I think almost every one of my former colleagues and current colleagues in the intelligence community is very concerned," said a former national security official who served under Trump. "I haven't talked to a single senior person who said, 'Oh, it's overblown. Don't worry, he'll be fine.'"

The Vindmans are "former national security officials" who served under Trump. So is the prime mover in the Ukraine impeachment hoax, Eric Ciarmarella.

Obviously these are among the sources for this story-- along with the usual troika of Comey, Clapper, and Brennan. (The FBI is called a "national security" organization, too.)

And then you add in some Democrat lawmakers like Jame Raskin and a couple of the British psyops agents who peddled the Steele document -- Steele himself is of course a source for this -- and you've got your "more than a dozen."

There are few legal parameters defining the president's power over the intelligence agencies, and Trump would have tremendous leeway if he chose to expand the number of political appointees at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the CIA and other agencies, according to Glenn Gerstell, who worked as general counsel for the National Security Agency from 2015 to 2020.

Oh you mean the elected president has the legal right to do all of this?

But the Deep Staters just want to continue rigging elections and propagandizing against the citizens of the US without penalty?

When it comes to the president's authority over the intelligence community, "the law allows for a hell of a lot of discretion" and Trump would have "a pretty free hand," he said.

"If a determined president, supported by a group of senior aides who will both support and enable him and not object, wishes to do his bidding throughout the entire executive branch, there are few practical limits on his ability to do so, unless Congress has the political will to step in," Gerstell said. "The law is going to be pushed pretty far before it's actually going to produce a counterreaction."

At about paragraph 167 they finally allow a dissenting word:

Brian Hughes, senior adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, said it was President Joe Biden and his administration that had injected partisan politics into the intelligence agencies, not Trump.

"There is rich irony in hearing some of the deepest, deep-state voices sudden concern for the institution of legitimate national security intelligence," Hughes said in an email. "These are some of the same people who routinely worked to undermine American democracy and push the 'Russia hoax' to disrupt an American election. Now to hear them criticize a meaningful discussion focused on ensuring a Constitutionally-based national security pathway, and yet again push patently political lies for the corrupt administration they serve is outrageous."

This is rich:

The biggest question looming over a possible second Trump administration is whether the president or his team would attempt to turn the intelligence agencies against his domestic political opponents, which would violate laws that expressly forbid using the spy services against Americans.

LOL, you mean like spying on a presidential candidate, and then a sitting president, using a fake dossier and perjurious FISA application?

I'd say the horse has done escaped that particular barn.



The New Rules.

You made this bed, you will be made to lie in it.

And I do know you're skilled at lying.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:11 PM

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