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« FBI Settles Political Retaliation Lawsuit Against Patriotic Agent; Meanwhile Andrew McCable Whines That Trump Might Politically Retaliate Against the FBI | Main | No Worries Cafe »
June 06, 2024

Quick Hits

Hillary Clinton honors the dead of D-Day by using them as props in her typical graceless, charmless, white trash politicking way:

Hillary Clinton

Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy.

This November, all we have to do is vote.

Hey everyone, prepare for a shock: New York Liberal Allahpundit, who only supported the GOP because his city had been attacked by terrorists (he wouldn't have been outraged if they bombed some hick town), is making "the Conservative Case for re-electing Biden."

He said the thing! He said the thing we always joke about!


I can't find this noxious cuck's column, but the Dispatch was very proud of this cuckold quote.

In the UK, the "Conservative" party, the Tories, have admitted more immigrants than any government before them, and continue refusing to execute the people's will and finalize Brexit. They will suffer an enormous loss at the next election, scheduled for July 4 (which in England is known as "the day after July 3rd").

Nigel Farage is running, and his Reform party is now polling within a few points of the Tories. This polls says the Tories are at 20%, and Reform at 15%. I've seen another poll that puts it at 18 for the Tories and 17% for Reform.

That doesn't mean the Tories are doing well, or that Reform will win any elections. What will happen is that every Tory stronghold will be split between the two parties and Labour will win almost every seat in England.

And frankly, this needs to happen. The commentators on the Lotus Eater channel are all conservative, but said that we have to fight the first enemy first, and the first enemy, they say, is the fake "conservative" party whose only goal is to thwart conservative voters. They are resigned, even contented, to lose all power for the next four or five years to destroy the "Conservative" Party so that a real conservative party can rise up to displace it.

Facing what will be an epochal defeat which will reshape British politics, the Tories, with less than a month to go before the election, have finally decided that maybe there are only two genders after all. Voters are laughing at this desperate last-minute election-eve realization.

We're going to have to do the same thing within the next election or two.

In the rigged Hunter Biden trial, they at least got the FBI to admit that the laptop is real. Matt Vespa wants to know if Lesley Stahl and CBS will issue a correction and an apology to Trump, for insisting it was RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION.

It's not just CBS which is compelled to offer an apology, of course:

As I always point out: The media campaigns to get spreaders of "disinformation" deplatformed. When anyone points out that the media spreads more lies with more reach and more force than any "Macedonian Content Farmer," they always say the same thing: When we err -- lie, actually -- we always correct our errors and admit we erred, and tell people the truth.

They always say that. They never actually do it.

Their definition of "disinformation" -- spreading falsehoods repeatedly without ever correcting them or admitting their falsehoods -- brands them as the biggest Disinformation Agents in history.

Biden is being killed on his agenda of dissolving the US border and merging our country with the entire world:

Senator Kennedy asks the criminal Christopher Wray why they haven't prosecuted the people they know had sex with children on Epstein's Island, and if the FBI has seized the videotapes Epstein made of his clients having sex with children.

He refuses to answer, claiming that he has an "active investigation" open even though the case against Gisele Maxwell ended last year and there are no prosecutions of any clients.

Kennedy wants to know if Epstein's clients are "above the law."

Wray won't even answer if anybody is being investigated by the FBI -- because he'd have to admit that no one is being investigated, and if he admits that, he will not be able to refuse to answer other questions under the "I can't talk about an active investigation" pretext.

People have had ENOUGH.

The city of Nashville is controlled by a leftwing Crime Should Be Legal mayor. These poor citizens will be lucky if they're not charged with false imprisonment and kidnapping and, if any of these thieves turn out to be Gentle Giant Teens, with endangering a minor.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:15 PM

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