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June 04, 2024

An Afghan Immigrant Went on a Stabbing Spree.
The Propaganda Media Reported That the Criminal Was an Anti-Immigrant Far Right Extremist.

This is the impression that their carefully-crafted headlines were written to suggest.

Obviously, they wanted to hide the fact that yet more people were killed by Sudden Jihad Syndrome.

But to blame the crimes on the victims?

This is a new media low.

Mayhem was unleashed in Mannheim, Germany, on Friday, with a knife-wielding man stabbing several people. One police officer was struck in the head and neck multiple times and perished from his wounds. Advertisement

Video of the incident has gone viral, showing officers tackling innocent bystanders multiple times, allowing the attacker to stab more people. One of those was the officer who ultimately died. I won't embed the video, but if you really want to watch it for yourself, you can find it here.

You can find that link in the Bonchie article I linked. I'll pass on seeing yet another innocent person butchered by a Muslim extremist.

I think we've all seen enough Muslim murders, haven't we?

The way things played out was then mimicked by the press in an incredible campaign of deception. Can you figure out who the attacker was based on the headlines below? And who do they obviously want you to think it was? That's going to become highly relevant in just a moment.


Police officer, 29, dies after being repeatedly stabbed in attack at anti-Islam rally in Germany

Oh, so the anti-Islam people stabbed the officer to death?


Then why are you writing it this way?

It wasn't just an oopsie:

More headlines claiming that "far right," "anti-Islam" protesters were responsible for the stabbings.

Even the Times of Israel decided to lie to protect a Stabbing Jihadist.

Beege Wellborn writes that German anti-immigrant parties are poised to win a big share of the parliament -- so the German high court has stepped in and ruled that all criticism of unchecked immigration is illegal.

The German high courts have essentially declared that criticizing immigration - one of AfD's base planks - renders one a threat to society in that being anti-immigration is inherently anti-democratic. As such, the court has basically stripped anyone associated with the party - which is now the second most popular party in the country - of their civil rights.

The opposition Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has lost a major court appeal against the powerful domestic intelligence agency, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), with a high court judge allowing the BfV to continue classifying the party as a "suspected case" of right-wing extremism.

The move paves the way for the BfV and other authorities to utilize powerful surveillance technologies against the party, including reading emails, browsing histories, and monitoring emails and chats. In effect, anyone associated with the party may now be swept up in the surveillance net that can now be legally deployed against the second most popular party in the country.

The court refused hundreds of AfD attempts to introduce evidence, and the lawyers for the party felt the hearing was "remarkably short."

Huh. All of this sounds kind of familiar.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 04:45 PM

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