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June 04, 2024

Biden Signs "Tough" Immigration Order That Will Lock In 1,750,000 Illegal Aliens Per Year, Minimum

The Permanent (?) Invasion.

President Biden has signed an executive order that supposedly shuts down the US-Mexico border, but critics argue the move only cements his ongoing border invasion, as it still allows for up to 1.75 million new illegal entries into America every year.

The executive order is expected to take effect immediately upon signing and will lift border restrictions two weeks after the number of illegal crossings averages 1,500 for seven days straight.

Even if illegal migration is limited to 2,500 per day for a full calendar year, the number of crossings would hit 912,500 -- a historic high compared to the rest of the century.

Trump slammed the move as "weak" and "pathetic," saying in a social media video: "Joe Biden is pretending to finally do something about the border. But in fact, it's all about show because he knows we have a debate coming up in three weeks. The truth is that Joe Biden's executive order won't stop the invasion."

The Biden administration's new executive order has been met with criticism, with many arguing that it does not effectively address the ongoing border crisis. Even if illegal migration is limited to the proposed 2,500 per day, the number of crossings would still reach a historic high of 912,500 in a year. This figure does not account for the additional 400,000 migrants that Biden has allowed into the country through a mass parole scheme for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans.

John Sexton calls Biden "delusional" in his interview with the very friendly media of Time Magazine. He once again shows he's an Elderly Man with a Poor Memory in falsely claiming, without evidence (as Jake Tapper would say), that American wage growth has exceeded the pace of inflation, which even Time fact-checks him on.

But let's look at his lies/delusions about immigration:

[Time:] Okay, I'm gonna do a couple of rapid fire here. Another of your first acts as President under the banner of value-based leadership was to lift various punitive Trump-era immigration measures, Mr. President, that you and others said were inhumane. In retrospect, do you think those humanitarian moves helped drive record illegal border crossing?

Biden: No.

Were you wrong to lift any of those measures?

Biden: If I was wrong, it's because I took too long.

Sexton writes:

There's really no doubt about what actually happened here. Biden lifted or reversed all of Trump's efforts at Border control and immediately the number of migrants at the border shot up and have remained extremely high until we hit an all time record in December of 2023. The bottom line is that Biden is clearly responsible for what happened. In fact, Biden himself predicted it could happen before he even came into office. The Washington Post published an excellent story about how this happened back in April 2021:

Biden seemed eager to temper expectations when he laid out his immigration policy plans a month before inauguration. His administration wanted to ensure "guardrails" were in place, he said, to avoid having "2 million people on our border."

"It's not going to be able to be done on Day 1, lift every restriction that exists," he said, "and find out that and go back to what it was 20 years ago and all of a sudden find out we have a crisis on our hands that complicates what we're trying to do."...

But that's exactly what he did, of course:

The prudent tone Biden's team sounded in December was harder to detect on Inauguration Day, as the guardrails started coming off. Biden issued more executive orders and actions on immigration than any other topic, including a 100-day deportation moratorium and a halt to border wall construction...

Word soon spread that families with children younger than 7 years old were being allowed to enter the United States and released from custody. Families fitting that profile began rushing to that span of the border, where U.S. agents were already overwhelmed by soaring numbers of teens and children arriving alone...

More migrant families were arriving, too, and with Mexico only taking back a limited number, the Biden administration released more and more parents with children into border towns and cities. Biden officials continued to insist they were expelling the majority of the families crossing the border. It wasn't true; statistics show fewer than half were being sent back.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:50 PM

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