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« Ace of Spades Pet Thread, June 1 | Main | Music Thread: Road Trip! »
June 01, 2024

The Weekend Hobby Thread

rise-shine-20210130-1019 (1).jpg


No, not really. I'm here and not out fishing. Haven't been feeling well most of the week, so you get a short hobby adventure. Feel free to discuss hobbies and projects.

Please leave the politics and current events outside the front door.


Regular commenter and all around good 'ron, Kindlot, submitted the following. Oh yes, tools are used in hobbies and here is how to take care of them per Uncle Sam.


Looking to take up a new Hobby? We here at the AoSHQ hope you would carefully not considering Deadliest Hobbies we want to keep you around for awhile.


What's your favorite weekend pastime? Some of us like to travel, either by plane, car, or motorcycle. Others enjoy sports such as running, swimming, cycling, or horseback riding. If you're a bit adventurous, maybe you like to scuba dive, hang glide, or climb mountains. Of course, an element of danger comes with all of these activities, but it's not always easy to differentiate what only feels dangerous from what might actually kill you. The following infographic from offers a ranking of a few of the most dangerous hobbies based on the statistical likelihood of death per ho


Blowing up big things is big fun!


From Sharon(Willow's Apprentice) is an interesting home construction/renovation: Project “I think most people are nerds in their hearts in some measure. The point is to have fun,” says the star of this Project.

Airplane and Turned It Into a Masterpiece Home
John Travis
This article was originally published on TheEcoFeed
Although an airplane has a broad spectrum of uses that range from transportation of goods and people to military and research use, there are some people who believe that the potential of airplanes is much more than their intended use. Meet Bruce Campbell, a retired electrical engineer who also happens to be a very inventive man. Bruce is known for using his imagination and creativity to turn planes (that would have otherwise turned to scrap) into really impressive masterpieces. So, keep on reading to know how he turned an old airplane into his home.


I know what the answer to this question that commenter fd asked. Do you? Fishing lure or sex toy?



Hobby and or projects on your mind? Please share with us here at petmorons at gmail dot com. You are also free to send Jenkins Green Acrylic Paint, 20/0 fan brushes, #6 filberts. Until the next time, "Keep on hobbying".

digg this
posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 05:30 PM

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