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June 01, 2024

Music Thread: Road Trip!


One of the joys of driving long distances is the opportunity to dip into one's music stash and listen to the stuff that is old and dusty and stuck in the corner of the collection.

Of course the biggest joy of long distance driving is flexing our muscles as red-blooded Americans. It's what we do, and we are the best in the world at it. It's in our DNA!

I enjoy long drives, and some of that is the leisurely stroll through my music. And not just the on-line stuff. I have a lot of music stored on my phone...stuff from my it is always fun to listen to something and think either, "wow; those guys are good," or, "what the hell was I thinking?"

I also enjoy long drives for the challenge of beating whatever mapping program I am using. Six hours and 12 minutes? Screw you Google! I'm breaking Six!

And speeding. I love driving fast, and consider it a contest that I must win. Yes, I am playing against the local cops and state police. I'm not sure I understand what I win, but I sure do know what I lose!


Anyway, below the fold are a bunch of traveling songs, in no particular order, and in no particular connection to travel.

There's also a song that I saved a few weeks back when Ace was talking about French folk songs (I think). No idea how the topic came up, but I thought of one, so tell me what you think!


Sure it's overplayed. Sure it's mass-market. But it's also a pretty good song!

Go Your Own Way Fleetwood Mac


Why don't I listen to more Nat King Cole?

(Get Your Kicks On) Route 66 Nat King Cole


Ah...back when popular music was great.

Surfin' USA The Beach Boys


Sure, he was a lefty, but the guy could sing!

I Left My Heart In San Francisco Tony Bennett


Speaking of lefties...

Fast Car Tracy Chapman and Luke Combs


Pure Americana

Leaving On A Jet Plane John Denver & Cass Elliot


I like these guys. Paul Simon had a much longer and more successful career, but nothing he ever did after they parted ways was as good.

Homeward Bound Simon & Garfunkel


What a lovely voice!

Aupres de ma blonde Claire Victoria Roberts


digg this
posted by CBD at 07:30 PM

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