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May 24, 2024

Did You Enjoy the Democrat Media's "Russian Disinformation" Op 2015-2021? Well If You Did, Have I Got Some Great News For You!

The Democrats and the Democrat Media are losing, so they're bringing the Russian Disinformation Op back for the fourth? fifth? election in a row.

Mollie Hemingway:

The media plan to spend the rest of the year framing opposition to Democrats as the result of Russian disinformation, even though it's a lie.

As Joe Biden's presidency fails and his 2024 campaign falters, the media and other Democrats are hitting the big red panic button and bringing back their Russia-collusion hoax for another spin.

Joe Scarborough, the MSNBC host who sets Democrat talking points, spent last week claiming Biden's 2024 troubles aren't due to his unpopular policies or lack of mental acuity but rather a secret and nefarious Russian plot to help Donald Trump win the election. Scarborough excitedly claimed Republicans in Congress were working with Russian President Vladimir Putin to help Trump win. Putin endorsed Biden in February, for what it's worth.

Democrats' ability to push their Russia hoax 2.0 is hampered by the previous Russia-collusion hoax they peddled from 2016 through 2019. That lie was exhaustively and painstakingly debunked, but Scarborough has bitterly clung to it and wants to rewrite history.

"One of the maddening things that you will see out there, people talking about the Russian hoax. They keep talking about the Russian hoax," Scarborough said, calling out The Wall Street Journal for its reporting against the Russia-collusion hoax. "Russian disinformation is being spread on the House floor by Republican members. Here we have more reporting of what has never really stopped. That is, Vladimir Putin and Russia are trying to help Donald Trump get elected again! Hoax? There is no hoax!" he shouted.


The cause of last week's Scarborough hysteria was an anonymously sourced New York Times story describing a single video it claimed had been produced by Russian operatives purporting to be Ukrainians. The video, which may or may not have been watched by any Americans, apparently claimed Ukrainians were being told by the CIA to help Biden win. The anonymous "current and former" CIA officials said this meant Russians were meddling in U.S. elections. The story was exactly like the hundreds of other New York Times stories that ran in the first iteration of the Russia-collusion hoax -- anonymous intelligence sources, lack of substantiation, and outlandish inferences.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., tweeted out a link to the story with the note, "Trump/Russia. Trump/Russia. Trump/Russia. How obvious does it have to be??"

A CIA spokesman told The New York Times the claim made in the video was "patently false" and the "type of disinformation that the intelligence community has long warned about." He added, somewhat hilariously, that "C.I.A. is a foreign-focused organization that takes our obligation to remain uninvolved in American politics and elections very seriously."

Among a wide variety of other domestic-focused activities, CIA employees helped organize the letter signed by former CIA leaders on the eve of the 2020 election falsely claiming that the very real Hunter Biden laptop detailing the corrupt Biden family business was Russian disinformation. That CIA-fueled lie was spread by American media and was highlighted in one of the two presidential debates that cycle. Americans who spoke accurately about the laptop were censored by Big Tech.


One of the panelists on the Scarborough show last week was Jennifer Palmieri, Hillary Clinton's communications director [!!!] ...

"The hardest thing to combat in 2016 was no one believed us. Even after there had been reporting on what Russia was doing in the [Washington] Post, we'd go to the press and say, you know, we think a lot of this is coming from Russia. It was just so fantastic for everyone, that they couldn't really -- you know, they couldn't appreciate that that's what was really happening. Now people do know that," Palmieri said.

They're also creating a pseudo-legal pretext to censor like they've never censored before, of course.

I recently complained that Democrats are constantly pumping out disinformation -- like, specifically, the Michael Brown "Gentle Giant" racial killing hoax -- and when it's proven that they're lying, they do not apologize.

They merely stop repeating the line. For a few months.

Then, once the heat has died down, they begin pushing the lie again.

Remember, this the party that wants to shut down all speech by Republicans they claim is "disinformation."

But their own disinformation? It speaks to a Higher Truth and sparks many Necessary Conversations about race.

I mention this because the left, including the NAACP and congresscriminal Cori Bush, just celebrated Michael Brown's birthday and claimed he was killed by "police violence." Which is a lie -- he was killed by his own violence. He roughed up a much-smaller shopkeeper, and when a cop told him to get his fat ass out of the middle of the road, he started punching the cop through his window and grabbed his gun.

Even Obama's/Eric Holder's DOJ debunked this toxic, racial-strife-making lie.

But it's back, because the left is nothing but disinformation. It's all Marxist mythology, and mythology isn't fact-checkable.


Will Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd, and Brian Stelter be covering and rebutting this toxic disinformation, or nah?

I'm thinking "nah."

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 01:10 PM

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