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May 24, 2024

25,000 Rally for Trump in the South Bronx, Leaving AOC Sputtering With Flop Sweat Glistening In Her Mustache

Shave your mustache, Madame. I must insist you shave your mustache immediately.

Former President Donald Trump rallied an impressive crowd of 25,000 in the Bronx, promising to "make New York City great again." The rally, held in a traditionally Democratic stronghold, saw Trump criticizing the Biden administration and vowing to work with local Democratic leaders to improve the city and state.

Key Details:

The rally, held in the Bronx, drew an estimated crowd of 25,000, far exceeding the initial expectation of 3,500 attendees.

Trump's rally was held at Crotona Park in the Bronx, a deep-blue area of New York City.

The former president promised to work with Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul and Democrat Mayor Eric Adams to fix the city and state, saying, "As soon as I get back into the Oval Office, I am going to pick up the phone and I'm going to call your mayor and your governor and I'm going to say...'I want to come back and help'...we're going to get this state and this city at a level that it's never seen before."

Diving Deeper:

Trump's visit to the Bronx, a stronghold of Democratic support, is a break from political norms. The former president used the rally to criticize President Biden's administration, particularly its handling of the economy. Speaking on his economic accomplishments, Trump said, ""We lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty... and real middle class income rose over $6,000 a year. Under Biden, it's a disaster... real earnings for African Americans are down 5.6%."

I'm not sure about the "25,000" estimate. An overhead shot of the crowd makes it look like 10,000 or less.

Still, this was a bigger turnout in the bluest county in one of the bluest states than Anderson Cooper could bear:

Mustache Sandy held a counter-rally, and barely anyone showed up to see her luxurious lip-bush.

Despite organized efforts by Democrats to counter Donald Trump's Bronx rally, the event led by prominent liberals, including AOC, attracted minimal attendance, highlighting potential challenges for the Democrats in this deeply blue district.

Underwhelming Turnout: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic leaders' counter-rally in Crotona Park drew a surprisingly low number of participants, contrasting sharply with Trump's nearby gathering.

Democratic Intentions: Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo and civil rights activist Kirsten John Foy organized the event to oppose Trump's policies, especially on immigration, claiming his stance does not reflect the values of the Bronx.

Weather and Timing: Compounding the challenges, inclement weather potentially deterred would-be attendees. The counter-rally coincided with Trump's event, aiming to draw media attention and public interest away from him.

Chaka sad.

Kathy Hochul decided to call her own constituents "clowns" on the grim-faced Jake Tapper show.

And Jake Tapper knows clowns. He's stung by her cruel words.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 12:10 PM

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