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May 24, 2024

Just the News: Federal Investigators Have Known for Years That Biden Repeatedly Met With Hunter's ChiCom "Business" Partners

And they let him lie and lie and lie, without so much as a heads-up.

Federal agents gathered evidence during the 2016 election that Hunter Biden had used access to his father on an official government trip to Beijing aboard Air Force Two to connect prospective Chinese business partners with then-Vice President Joe Biden, according to a massive cache of documents recently turned over to Congress and obtained by Just the News.

"They got to meet Dad. All very good. Talk later," Hunter Biden wrote in a December 2013 email confirming how he connected his Chinese associates with his father in a Beijing hotel after the vice president had met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The younger Biden also bragged in his emails that his father was so enamored with China's communist leader that "I think they are in love with each other," the emails showed.

"They all most (!) kissed on departure," Hunter Biden wrote in one of the emails seized by federal agents.

Did he spell it that way? This crackhead whoremonger "graduated law school," but he doesn't know how to spell "almost"?

The previously nonpublic communications were among 3.3 million pages of emails, bank records, and corporate memos that FBI, IRS, and Securities and Exchange Commission agents collected in 2015 and 2016 with subpoenas during a criminal investigation into a fraudulent bond scheme involving a Native-American tribe.

The younger Biden wasn't charged in that case, though several of his business partners were. But agents in that probe did gain extensive access to Hunter Biden's bank files, corporate records, and communications, including some that were not located on the first son's now infamous laptop that would be seized by the FBI in 2019 and become a subject of political controversy a year later.

Jonathan Turley writes that there is clear evidence that Hunter Biden repeatedly lied to Congress -- and wonders if Merrick Garland will convene a grand jury to investigate his crimes.

LOL, Jonathan Turley is so funny. I didn't know he was this funny!

Attorney General Merrick Garland has long maintained that he is a completely apolitical figure who only follows the law. Critics have challenged that claim on key cases, including those related to Hunter Biden. However, Garland may now face one of the clearest tests of his claim in his tenure. The House committees have issued a public report alleging three different instances where Hunter Biden allegedly committed perjury. The question is now what Garland is prepared to do about it.

When Hunter testified, I wrote columns suggesting that he might take the Fifth Amendment to remain silent because the risk was too great that he might lie or mislead investigators in his answers. With months of preparation, he decided to run the gauntlet and now appears to have exposed himself to the possibility of additional criminal charges.

Hunter Biden has still not responded to the specific allegations, but on their face they appear strong. Notably, the Justice Department spent considerable time and money to pursue false statements against figures like Michael Flynn over just one statement describing a meeting with Russian diplomats. These are instances where Hunter was under oath, prepared for months, and had counsel present.

One of the instances concerns the controversial WhatsApp message where Hunter not only threatened a Chinese businessman to send him massive amounts of money but said that his father was sitting next to him at the time. Millions were later sent to the Bidens. The infamous WhatsApp message stated in part:

"I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father."

The response of Hunter to questions about the message was curious and evasive. Hunter said that he had only two things to say about that message. He denied that his father was sitting next to him despite saying that he had no memory of sending the message. Second, and most importantly, he stated "the Zhao that this is sent to is not the Zhao connected to CEFC" who "had no understanding or even remotely knew what the hell I was even Goddamn talking about."

The Committee staff maintains that Biden's WhatsApp account shows that he only ever communicated with one Zhao -- Raymond Zhao -- and that he most certainly did not know what he was "talking about."

Another alleged lie was Hunter's denial that he ever helped people associated with Burisma secure visas. He told Congress that he was unwilling to provide "any work as it related to visas that they needed" and that he would "never pick up the phone and call anybody for a visa." The Committee has produced an email in which Hunter's associate Devon Archer references the revoking of Burisma CEO Nikolay Zlochevsky's visa. It states that "Hunter is checking with Miguel Aleman to see if he can provide cover to Kola on the visa...Please send Hunter an email with all Kola's passport and visa documents and evidence and copy me. We'll take it from there."

Read the whole thing. There are more lies.

Now Garland faces an unavoidable choice in treating this referral as he did Trump cases (in sending this to a grand jury) or scuttling alleged perjury made by the son of the President before Congress. It is far less challenging legally than it is politically for Merrick Garland.

If the rule of law still governs at the Justice Department, Hunter Biden could be facing a third front in his ongoing legal struggles.

LOL, good one, dude.

Turley linked this Politico article reporting that "Sugar Brother" Kevin Morris, possibly a CIA operative paid to keep Hunter Biden out of jail, is bankrolling Hunter Biden's incredibly expensive defense, for some reason.

Why does no one in the media ever ask why a man Hunter Biden just met a few years ago is spending millions and millions of dollars on him?

Are they lovers?

Or is Morris just Hunter's appointed Deep State sponsor?

Anyway, Politico reports that this "Sugar Brother" -- merely an overcompensated lawyer, not a tech billionaire -- is finally running out of money.

Less than a month before the start of his first trial, Hunter Biden may be losing a key financial lifeline.

Kevin Morris, a Hollywood entertainment lawyer who has long supported the president's son, has told associates that he has run out of resources to help fund Biden's legal defense, according to a person close to Morris who was granted anonymity to discuss private conversations.

"The reason Kevin got involved financially in the first place was that he could see that no one was going to help Hunter," said the person. "Now, four and a half years later, there's still no help -- and now Kevin is completely tapped out. So just when Hunter is facing two criminal trials starting in a few weeks, he has no resources. It's pretty dire."

Reached for comment about this reporting, Morris confirmed the person's account but declined to elaborate further. A spokesperson for Biden's legal team also declined to comment.

Don't worry, guys! I'm pretty sure that Hunter will just sell a couple of more watercolors to anonymous Chinese "art lovers."

Raise your hands if you think it's plausible that one man would spend himself into near-bankruptcy paying the back taxes and expensive legal fees for another man he only barely knows and is not, as far as we know, having sex with.

Even if they were having sex-- spending all of his money on the meth-mouthed gutter rat Hunter Biden? What?

Below: A dramatic interpretation of Hunter Biden begging "Sugar Brother" Kevin Morris to join his legal team.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:10 PM

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