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April 04, 2024
Bull v. Bulldog Cafe

Tyn Tywyn beach
in Anglesey, Wales
by Gareth Mon Jones
Single-minded dog focuses on the bone, ignores the dinosaur.
Turn around Bright-Eyes...
Some kind of sick multispecies cuddle party going on here.
Cat is as precise about lining up his pounce as any Republican.
Golden slumbers.
This good boy would like some of your food, but he doesn't want to be rude and pressure you.
He never goes anywhere without his stuffed Hobbes.
Friendly penguin.
Rescuing a big wolf dog.
Rescuing tiny bat babies. Feeding time for the bat babies.
A giant bunny had been a pet but was put out in the wild by its owners. (Not cool, man.) The bunny approaches a woman walking in the park, so she adopts it. Then she finds out she's adopted more than she counted on.
Adopting a rambunctious teenage wombat.
Some cursing, turn the volume off if you don't want to hear the f-bomb.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:32 PM
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