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« Leftwing Gay/Black Blog: That Gay Pornster Getting ****ed Up His A** In the Well of the Senate Is a Freedom Fighter Just Like Anne Frank | Main | Otter Chit Redemption Center Cafe »
December 20, 2023

Quick Hits

Soros DA (antisemitism alert!) Larry Krasner's jurisdiction has been shrunk by an act of the Pennsylvania legislature, signed into law by Democrat Governor Shapiro.

Philadelphia's progressive district attorney, Larry Krasner, had some of his authority stripped and diverted to a new prosecutorial position due to his failed "liberal, woke" policies, the Associated Press reported Tuesday.

Last week, Democratic Governor Josh Shapiro signed into law Senate Bill 140, which creates a new special prosecutor role for mass transit. According to the measure, the special prosecutor has the power to "investigate and institute criminal proceedings for a violation of the laws of this Commonwealth occurring within a public transportation authority."

"The special prosecutor's prosecutorial jurisdiction shall include the power and independent authority to exercise all investigative and prosecutorial functions and powers of an office of the district attorney," the bill added.

So they're taking the ability to prosecute -- or not prosecute -- crimes which interfere with citizens' right to travel. Crimes committed on subways and, one hopes, BLM/Hamas takeovers of public streets and highways.

Not a lot, really. But I guess it's a shot across the bow? Maybe?

Krasner, a Democrat, called the measure unconstitutional and an "attack on democracy."

"This is normalizing the erasure of Philadelphia votes. This is what people who want to be dictators do," Krasner stated during a news conference last week.

So, it's the state government which is invested with all the legislative power the state has. Localities have political power because the state devolves part of its power away to municipalities. They can limit that power, change what powers they devolve, etc.

Krasner is the one attacking democracy here, of course.

AllahPundit also showed he was absent the day they taught law in law school when he argued that DeSantis and the Florida legislature couldn't take away municipalities' power to impose vax and mask mandates. Of course they can, the municipalities only hold power in the first place due to a positive grant of power from the state.

But he was always stupid. And very... emotional. And he was so very very scared of covid! But you know, he really believes in The Science (TM). I guess that's good. Everyone should have some religion in his life. Religion can often give a sense of comfort to the unfortunates of the world, and the mental cases.

Mitch McConnel is the least popular congressional leader, with an approval rating of... 6%.

At six percent, you're basically down to staffers, donors, and members of the Chinese communist party.

A new Monmouth University poll released Monday has revealed Americans' least favorite leader in Congress, but all maintain underwater approval ratings.

According to the poll, just 6% of adults say they approve of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's, R-Ky., job performance, with a whopping 60% saying they disapprove. 34% had no opinion.

McConnell was the only congressional leader with a net negative approval rating from within his own party, and fell far behind his Democrat and Republican colleagues on how they are viewed by the American public. Just 10% of Republicans said they approved of McConnell's job performance, with 41% disapproving and 49% having no opinion.

McConnell's approval rating was down from 12% in July, with 50% disapproving and 37% having no opinion.

At yet he convinces himself he is The One Indispensable Man and must continue clinging to power with the tenacity of a tick on a bronco's ass. Narcissism is a hell of a drug. Glad I kicked the stuff in my mid-20s.

Doing the Jobs Americans Just Won't Do Update: Nearly 60% of illegal alien households are on welfare.

Close to 60 percent of households headed by illegal aliens use at least one major form of welfare, an analysis conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals.

The CIS analysis from Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler shows illegal aliens and legal immigrants, in general, use "significantly more" welfare than native-born American citizens.

For example, about 59 percent of households headed by illegal aliens use welfare and about 52 percent of households headed by legal immigrants use at least one form of welfare. At the same time, fewer than 4-in-10 households headed by native-born American citizens use welfare.

"... this is primarily because the American welfare system is designed in large part to help low-income families with children, which describes a large share of immigrants," CIS researchers note.

In particular, the study found that immigrant-headed households use far more food stamps, Medicaid benefits, and the Earned Income Tax Credit than native-born American households.

"Compared to households headed by the United States-born, immigrant-headed households have especially high use of food programs (36 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), Medicaid (37 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), and the Earned Income Tax Credit (16 percent vs. 12 percent for the U.S.-born)," CIS researchers state.

The use of taxpayer-funded welfare among illegal aliens as well as legal immigrants is significant as the nation's foreign-born population hits new record highs under President Joe Biden.

CIS researchers, last month, unveiled that 49.5 million foreign-born residents now live across the U.S. -- the largest ever in American history and the overwhelming majority of which is driven by legal immigration levels. For comparison, the foreign-born population was just 9.7 million in 1960.

Thanks, Karl Rove! Don't eat so much you put yourself into a diabetic coma or anything. That would make me so sad.

I Shan't Believe It, I Simply Shannot Update: Trans activist arrested for rape of two young boys in Larry Krasner's Philadelphia.

An LGBTQ+ activist was arrested in Philadelphia on Monday and charged with the rape of two young boys. Trans-identified male Kendall Stephens, who was referred to in the local news as "she," was alleged to have raped two boys under the age of 13.

Now wait a minute -- that doesn't sound like the kind of crime a lady would commit.

Stephens was charged with indecent assault of a person under 13, rape, unlawful contact with minor sexual offenses, and endangering the welfare of children - parent or guardian, ABC reports. Stephens bail has been set at $250,000 and Stephens will make a court appearance on December 29. The investigation is not being led by the district attorney's office but by another agency.

Stephens' activism began in 2020 after being attacked in the Point Breeze neighborhood of Philadelphia. This attack took place in Stephens' home which Stephens shared with two godchildren, both teen girls. Stephens posts photos with children identified as her nephews on Instagram.

Stephens claimed the attack was due to Stephens trans identity. After that attack, Stephens began to advocate for LGBTQ+ identities to be protected under Pennsylvania's hate crime laws.

I'm wondering if maybe the attack had something with misbehavior towards the nephews.

Stephens efforts were supported by DA Larry Krasner...

No shit, really?

When someone says they want to "rap" with your kids about sex, BELIEVE THEM.

You know how many kids I want to talk about sex with? Zero. In fact, I'd rather not deal with children at all. This is normal. Men are not supposed to take an interest in other people's children, except to the bare-minimum level required to compliment the parents.

Men who seek out "friendships" and other relationships with other people's children are not doing it for the "activism." The activism is the cover.

And If That Doesn't Work I'll Subpoena You Again, Bucko Update: Jim Jordan demands that Merrick Garland turn over documents the DOJ is hiding about surveillance they ran on congressional staffers during the Trump years. Like spying on Kash Patel.

Come for the Mental Decrepitude, Stay for the Unprosecuted Sexual Assault Update: Young Biden 2020 voters abandoning "President" Roomba over concerns that Biden might be as ignorant and incompetent as they are.

Young voters are increasingly "bailing on Biden," according to an NBC News article from Monday.

"Jayden Camarena, in Northern California, is contemplating blowing off the 2024 presidential election," NBC reported in a story headlined, "Young voters explain why they're bailing on Biden -- and whether they'd come back."

"Evan McKenzie, in battleground Wisconsin, is looking for any other candidate than the current front-runners. In Philadelphia, Pru Carmichael isn't even convinced this race matters," NBC reported.

"Braeden McNulty, of Edison Park, NJ, reported regretting Their vote for Biden the morning after the election. 'I honestly thought I was voting for Walter the Puppet,' They said. 'I expected him to be funnier.'"

Okay, had you, I inserted one of those three quotes. You'll have to guess which one.

These voters are three examples of people who voted for Biden in 2020 but "now say the president can't count on their support in 2024."

Other young voters told NBC News that they felt obligated not to support Biden anymore.

"I genuinely could not live with myself if I voted for someone who's made the decisions that Biden has," McKenzie, a 23-year-old resident of Madison, Wisconsin, said. "I didn't even feel great about" voting for Biden in 2020, he explained.

"It's so complicated, because it almost feels like if I were to give my vote for Biden, I will be showing the Democratic Party that what they are putting out is enough, which is the bare minimum in my opinion," Camarena, a 24-year-old living outside the Bay Area in California, told NBC.

Former President Trump is leading Biden among young voters by a 13-point margin, according to a recent Fox News poll. The polling results come as the Trump campaign is targeting young voters and widening its support among GOP voters.

Even if that lead is real, I don't expect it to last. Democrats will "come home" when faced with the prospect of the Tyrant So Tyrannical He Couldn't Even Get His AG to Prosecute the Guilty-As-Sin Hunter Biden.

Hollywood Update: Last week there was some story going around that Warner Bros. had a 60% chance of going bankrupt in the near future. It's very heavy on debt and has been trying to get from under the debt load.

Now comes word that WB is in talks with Paramount to merge.

Deadline has confirmed that Warner Bros Discovery and Paramount Global have held talks on a possible merger.

Paramount Global CEO Bob Bakish and WBD boss David Zaslav sat down on Tuesday at Paramount's corporate headquarters in New York's Times Square, a well-place source tells Deadline, "It was all rather preliminary," the source said of the talks. Shari Redstone, CEO of Paramount's controlling shareholder, National Amusements, "is on a bit of a listening tour to see what she might be able to get if she decides to sell the company or part of it," he added.

Two additional people with knowledge of the discussions confirmed them to Deadline.

Deadline has reported in recent days that Redstone, after spending years holding her family's empire together, had become open to offers for National Amusements and Paramount assets from suitors including Skydance and RedBird Capital.

Redstone was not in the room with Zaslav and Bakish for the actual meeting, a source noted. She did have a separate conversation with Zaslav this week, where the role of broadcast network CBS in any potential future deal was a major topic.

As a broadcast network coupled with 28 owned stations in many markets, CBS is a significant asset but also a legacy one.

Would a merger pass an anti-trust review? Well, on one hand, their merger reduces the number of "bigs" -- big studios -- from six to five.

On the other hand, if WB were to collapse, then that would also reduce the number of Bigs to five. A merger, they'd argue, would actually "strengthen competition."

Which makes me wonder if WB leaked that claim about going bankrupt.

I don't know, whatever happens, Star Trek will continue to be woke.

to bodge together their ludicrous case for disqualification.

There were a number of barriers facing advocates who have tried to stretch this provision to cover the January 6 riot. The four justices had to adopt the most sweeping interpretation possible on every one of those questions in order to support their decision.

The only narrow part of the opinion came with the interpretation of the First Amendment, where the four justices dismissed the free-speech implications of disqualifying presidential candidates based on political position and rhetoric.

The result is an opinion that lacks any limiting principles. It places the nation on a slippery slope where red and blue states could now engage in tit-for-tat disqualifications. According to the Colorado Supreme Court, those decisions do not need to be based on the specific comments made by figures like Trump. Instead, it ruled, courts can now include any statements made before or after a speech to establish a "true threat."

Mara Gay is the f***ing innumerate idiot who claimed that if Mike Bloomberg took the $500 million he spent on his election bid and divided it among America's 300 million people, he would give us all something like $1.5 million dollars each.

Oh, so close, Mara! Only off by a factor of ONE MILLION!

She of course turned this into a racial issue and smeared anyone calling her out for her stupidity as a racist.

I believe she's also Claudine Gay's cousin.

So, yeah. This is a family that really knows how to work that DEI welfare system to get intellectual lightweights into positions of power and influence.

Trump: Chip Roy is a "RINO" because he endorsed DeSantis.

"RINO" and "Establishment shill" are now just often insults meaning "You didn't show loyalty to Trump." Same function as the left automatically denigrating someone as "racist," "sexist," and "transphobic." Meaningless slur at this point.

Does it not bother any of Trump's supporters that... he plainly believes you are stupid when he constantly shits out moronic garbage like this? He thinks it persuades you. He thinks you will believe literally anything he says.

Does that not bother anyone? Always being treated like huckster's mark?

You, Sir, have been Served Update:

Via Twitchy.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:30 PM

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