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December 20, 2023

Leftwing Gay/Black Blog: That Gay Pornster Getting ****ed Up His A** In the Well of the Senate Is a Freedom Fighter Just Like Anne Frank

The other day I mentioned someone saying on Twitter that this twink pervert has been so relentlessly affirmed in every thing he's done that it's a genuine shock to him that arranging a random German to f*** him in his a** in the well of the Senate would be seen as anything less than deserving of celebration.

His delusion is not unique. There is a genuine sickness of repulsive, pathological narcissism on the gay/DEI left.


We can only affirm and celebrate, celebrate and affirm.

Hail this hero for taking a dick in his ass in the Senate.

As a young Kamala never said -- Fweedom!

Fired for his act of love in the senate Aidan Maese-Czeropski's act was symbolic and brave, because in a world full of hate, displays of love are rebellious. We shouldn't bend over to a party that hates; we must do the opposite.

by AFRU staff

By the staff, not some single op-ed writer. This is the considered corporate opinion of "AFRU."

So, it's official. Senator Ben Cardin's office has told Politico that "Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the US Senate." Goaded by demagogic republicans, the Capitol police has now also opened an investigation.

As republicans pounce on an opportunity to destroy young activist Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the discourse around the senate hearing room love display raises serious questions about the ongoing challenges faced by the LGBTQ community.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've already seen the viral video making the rounds on every social media feed there is. Republicans just can't stop watching the 8 second clip featuring two men embracing each other in love while you can briefly see an empty room in the background.

It turns out one of the lovemaking men was Aidan Maese-Czeropski, and the room was recognized by some as the senate hearing room.

We get it. It's the most important room in America. It was in this very room that Sonia Sotomayor herself had her confirmation hearing, and won despite an entire oligarchy reorienting itself to wipe her out. This is also where James Comey exposed the Russian interference in the 2016 elections, to the chagrin of the treason party.

Holy crap. They went from 0 to Stupid in 1.1 seconds.

But in a world built on hate, displays of love are inherently rebellious. Every second that Aidan and his partner made love in the halls of power was pregnant with poignant meaning.

His ass is now pregnant with a butt baby, I've heard.

And in a time when the LGBTQ community is under existential threat by white fragility feeling threatened, open displays of LGBTQ culture are necessarily brave. In some ways, Aidan's act mirrored that of Anne Frank, who dared to express her honest thoughts and feelings even as she hid from rabid insurrectionist-style death squads.

Not only are the "insurrectionists" Nazis, but the historical Nazis are now "insurrectionists." Just to make that semantic link all the stronger.

Let's recognize the fallout from the incident for what it is: a stochastic far right attack on gay rights activists. As republicans fire up their hate machine in preparation for the 2024 elections, Aidan's very life is now on the line. Let's not fool ourselves. Right-wing attacks will scream with ever increasing pitch from darkweb radio stations and social media channels until some insurrectionist nutjob picks up a gun and the intended consequences have become fait accompli.

Stochastic terrorism = objecting to someone getting a rando (possibly a paid male escort) to sodomize you in the Senate and then proudly posting that to your social media accounts waiting for the Affirmation and Celebration to roll in.

Aidan's persecution by right-wing nutbars writ large is a threat to his life and the life of every LGBTQ individual in this country.

This cannot stand. The fight has just begun.

It sounds like a parody, but all of their crap is hard-left stuff like this:

Why is this a thing? 10 statues that white people just can’t stop sexually harassing

It's time to normalize not having kids

From the moment they are born, they put their suckers into our soul and extract every last bit of available time and money. Let's rise above animals and make sentient choices

Here's why you should pay PoC for the emotional labor of dealing with you

Whether physical or emotional, we have a word for free labor. That word is slavery.

From the "Sex Work" vertical:

Toke for two: honoring my favorite dead sex clients

When clients vanish and never contact me again, usually I can only guess what happened. But Crazy T and Latex Geezer were different.

Before you say "this must be a parody" -- all of this crap is echoed in non-parody outlets like Teen Vogue.

There is a group out there working diligently to increase hatred towards gays and to reduce their tolerance in society.

And that group is the gay/DEI left, who cannot find a depth so low they will not eagerly bottom it.

The founder of Gays Against Groomers called this out:

Jaimee Michell @thegaywhostrayd

I regret to inform you that the degenerate libs are now comparing having sex in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing room to Anne Frank's plight hiding from Nazis. No, it isn't satire. I had to make sure myself.

So this is by no means a universal claim among gays.

I bet you it's pretty widespread on the gay left, though. They are now quite serious about the point that "Failure to celebrate homosexuality, even the most deranged and perverted and evil (like gay pee party orgies during a time of monkeypox) parts of it, is equal to 'trying to murder gays.'"

If you're not celebrating, you're killing people!

This is the same claim made by the trans activists, of course.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:15 PM

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