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December 18, 2023

Disney Marvel's Big Rising Star, Their Next "Thanos-Level Threat," Was Just Convicted of Harassing and Assulting His Girlfriend
Disney Planning a Woke Reboot of the X-Files



They jury acquitted him of two counts.

Before getting into all this, let me say that I usually would not do two entertainment posts in a row. On a different day, I would put this one into draft and save it for tomorrow.

BUT THERE IS NO NEWS TODAY, and so I'm not going to keep hunting for news when I have this perfectly-decent post ready. I know it's not ideal to have two back-to-back entertainment posts but seriously, it's a slow news day.

On to the story, and to more Disney Disaster:

A Manhattan jury found Jonathan Majors guilty on Monday of two misdemeanor counts of harassment and assault, but acquitted him on two other counts.

In the domestic assault trial, the Marvel actor was found not guilty on one count of of intentional assault in the third degree and aggravated harassment in the second degree against his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari. Majors, wearing a dark gray suit and seated with his attorneys and current girlfriend Meagan Goode, did not display a reaction when the verdict was read.

Judge Michael Gaffey set a sentencing date of Feb. 6. Majors faces up to a year in jail, but he could also be sentenced to probation.

The two-week-long trial resumed in a lower Manhattan courtroom as the six-person jury requested to hear the definition of harassment in the second degree, which is when a person is guilty of "intent to harass, annoy or alarm" another person -- "he or she strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects such other person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same."

The texts in the case were damning. Majors attempted to claim that he had not hit his girlfriend (causing her a head injury), but in texts between them, it is clear that both agree that he hit her, and that she needs to go to the hospital due to the injury she suffered, and that they both plan on lying to cover up the reason for the injury.

I mean, the girlfriend even promises to lie.

Update: Disney fired him, says The Hollywood Reporter.

You notice, they waited for an actual court resolution.

OTOH, they fired Johnny Depp on Amber Turd's say so where she didn't even say so. (She just strongly hinted.)

Another big problem for Disney Marvel and the One-Man Brain Trust we know as Kevin Feige, but... the entire franchise is melting down. Who notices another log on the fire?

Meanwhile, the Trian group (lead by Nelson Peltz) formally launched its bid to solicit shareholder votes to put two of its own nominees on to the Disney board, vowing that they will be responsive to the shareholders and not whatever weird shit Bob Iger's into these days.

The two men Trian nominated for these seats are Nelson Peltz himself, who's had a good run turning companies around, and Disney's former CFO, Jay Rasulo, a man once groomed to take over Bob Iger's position.

So they can't say these men don't know their beans. Peltz is great on the business turnaround side, and obviously this other cat could run Disney. Even Bob Iger thought so until recently. His experience compares very favorably to all of Bob Iger's handpicked rubber-stamp henchmen on the board.

In fact, none of Disney's board members had any experience in the entertainment sector at all until they just added a single person with entertainment experience a month ago.

The greatest pitch Peltz makes here is that Disney's current board members don't give a shit about what happens to Disney's share price because they own so little of it themselves. Altogether, this club of millionaires who have served on other boards and CEOs at other companies have only $15 million in Disney stock.

With so little an investment, they can afford to say, as Bob Iger does, "F*** shareholder value" and just use other people's monies push their leftwing politics.

Trian also points out that Bob Iger hardly holds any Disney stock any longer -- though he was paid in a ton of Disney stock, he's sold the bulk of that off for cash, giving people a clue about what Bob Iger actually thinks Disney's mid-term value will be. Hint: You don't unload most of your stock if you think the price is going up.

Again, another man in power at Disney who is completely misaligned with shareholder interests, because he's barely one himself at this point. What the f*** does he care if Disney keeps tanking? He sold most of his stock and made his money.

The letter is here.

Some of the spicier quotes:

Disney is one of the most iconic companies in the world with unrivaled scale, unparalleled customer loyalty, irreplaceable intellectual property ("IP"), and an enviable commercial flywheel. However, Disney has woefully underperformed its peers and its potential.

Earnings per share ("EPS") in the most recent fiscal year were lower than the EPS generated by Disney a decade ago and were over 50% lower than peak EPS despite over $100 billion of capital invested.


For shareholders, this subpar performance has destroyed value. Disney stock has underperformed the stocks of Disney's self-selected proxy peers and the broader market over every relevant period during the last decade and during the tenure of each non-management director. Furthermore, it has underperformed since
Bob Iger was first appointed CEO in 2005 -- a period during which he has served as CEO or Executive Chairman (directing the Company's creative endeavors in this role) for all but 11 months.

Disney shareholders were once over $200 billion wealthier than they are now.

Unfortunately, the Board and CEO appear to have no conviction that things will get better. The non-management directors collectively own less than $15 million of Disney stock, and Mr. Iger has sold the vast majority of his ownership stake built up primarily through share-based compensation -- more than $1 billion of
Disney stock -- leaving shareholders alone to face the daunting reality of a complex turnaround in a rapidly evolving industry.

And, that turnaround does not appear to be materializing. Since Mr. Iger's first earnings call after returning as

* Tens of billions of shareholder value has been lost;
* Consensus EPS estimates for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 have fallen meaningfully, even as the Company claims to be cutting billions of costs; and
* Studio content continues to disappoint consumers, slowing the speed of the flywheel and threatening future earnings growth.

I'm not certain, but I think they're using "flywheel" to mean the central engine -- making movies and tv shows -- which can then be exploited by all the other Disney businesses, like parks and cruises.


The root cause of Disney's underperformance, in our view, is a Board that is too closely connected to a long-tenured CEO and too disconnected from shareholders' interests.

The Board, we believe, lacks objectivity as well as focus, alignment, and accountability.

The shareholder meeting where they'll wage their proxy war comes in spring 2024.

In case you weren't sick enough of Disney: Disney bought Fox Studios (all Iger knows how to do is buy successful companies, and then destroy them in 10 year or less), so it owns the rights to the X-Files.

They're re-making the X-Files... with the woke director of Black Panther. The one who thought it would be cute to have the little shit Shuri call a white guest a "colonizer" for daring to be present in a Black Space even when invited there.

Does that mean they're going to give the X-Files the "diverse" treatment?

It sure does!

Original series creator Chris Carter made the revelation during an interview with "On The Coast with Gloria Macarenko" to celebrate the 30th anniversary of "The X-Files." During the interview, Carter said, "I just spoke to a young man, Ryan Coogler, who is going to remount 'The X-Files' with a diverse cast.

Can't wait to not watch this.

Via Ethan Van Sciver, who predicts another Gingercide. "Gingercide" is the crime of Hollywood taking redheaded white characters and turning them black. They've literally done it 40 times by now.

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