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December 18, 2023

Is This... Inciting?

Hollywood really wants a civil war.


One civil war porn movie warning of a Xtinist Fascist takeover of the country, and one race-baiting piece of racist agitprop about how unsafe black people are due to the violent predations of the White Devil.

Kurt Schlichter writes about the left's never-ending fantasies about a civil war and why, for their own sake, those fantasies should be restrained from ever becoming a reality.

I'm really confused about the new movie trailer for the leftist insurgency fantasy flick "Civil War" because it seems to think that the military guy who is hassling journalists with his M4 is the bad guy. I must have got that wrong. Clearly, whoever is opposed to the regime media is the hero, right? Maybe his weird, red Elton John glasses are supposed to signal to me that he's evil, but I'm just not seeing it. At one point, one of the reporters tells him they are Americans and he asks, "What kind of American?" Frankly, that seems like a pretty good question.

After all, I was told by the desiccated, corrupt, old pervert who Alex Garland -- the guy who made this piece of crap movie -- a undoubtedly supported, there are a two kinds of Americans. There are good, upstanding, woke Americans who buy into all the communist garbage, and there are normal people who he calls "MAGA extremists" who are bad and scary insurrectionists and hate our democracy and are also racist and transphobic and everything else that is bad. They also cause inflation and climate change. These people should be shamed, persecuted and hounded from society, disenfranchised, disarmed, and, according to this movie, shot. So, the "What kind of American are you?" thing is not going to shock us because it is already happening, and here's the punchline -- if you're reading this, you're probably the bad kind of American, according to the Hollywood jerks and our senile, evil president.

The movie doesn't really make clear what's going on in its scenario, and to the extent it does, the scenario is pretty stupid. Apparently, there's a president who likes God, so that your subtle hint that he's the bad kind of American. He's on his third term in office, which it meant to be an issue, which is weird because I was informed that the Constitution that bars three terms is an evil document of oppression designed by dead white male slaveholders, but apparently it's a good thing today. Maybe I just haven't got my daily Constitution status memo. There was nothing in the trailer about prosecuting your political enemies on trumped-up charges, but I'm assuming that's a good thing until it stops being a good thing when applied to Democrats.

Also, hilariously, the insurgency appears to involve some sort of conglomeration of Texas and California. The movie was written by someone associated with Hollywood, so I'm pretty sure he's never been to Texas and doesn't know much about it. Let's just say it doesn't have a lot in common with the formerly Golden State. I'm not seeing Texas and California forming any kind of military alliance except maybe to declare war on New Jersey.

The movie envisions Texas joining California to oppose the Xtinianist Theocracy.

That doesn't make sense, of course. But here's what's going on: The movie's makers wanted to claim it's "apolitical," so they included one Red state and one Blue state in the two-state Good alliance.

But here's the thing: California will be presented as liberal and holy. And of course freedom-championing, despite the actual fact that California is the most authoritarian state in the union.

Texas will be presented as... liberal-libertarian. Texans, you see, resisted the imposition of theocratic fascism just because they're freedom-loving libertarians. (Libertarians are the only kind of conservative (to the extent they are) that leftists will even deign to break bread with.)

And the libertarianism they support will be of the socially liberal variety.

These two states have joined together because the one thing they can agree on is that Conservatives Are Deplorable.

They'll show a Texas representative saying something like "We Texans don't bow and scrape to any foreign dictators, and no domestic ones either!"

And that will be their "non-partisan" cover for inciting a civil war.

It's like when the left says, "Even Liz Cheney says the Republicans are dangerous!" She's held out to be the "sane one" from "the other side" who is making a "statement against interest," and is thus especially credible.

Here, the Libertarian Republic of Texas will serve the same function: "Even Texas says these God-humping Trumpaloos need to be put down like animals! Even Texas!"

But they don't want violence, guys. They're totally against all the insurrections they're not a part of.

There's a lot of this kind of insurrection onanism going on with the left lately, starting with the idea that the minor brawl on January 6 was an insurrection. Lately, we've been informed that Donald Trump is going to become a dictator and start some sort of civil war if he wins reelection, which appears slightly more likely than it was thanks to the predictable total failure of the Biden administration. I'm not sure why or how he would start one. Is he going to provoke a bunch of Chardonnay-addled cat women to take up arms and march upon our capital in their muumuus and Lululemons?

Not seeing it. There's a significant problem that the American left faces. They don't have any guns. They've spent so long hating on the Americans who do that the Americans who do have tripled down. October 2023 was one of the top months ever in gun sales, which is a beacon of hope in this dark night of Democrat misery. But Dems aren't the ones buying the guns. I've been to a gun store recently. I did not see a lot of hipsters, Palesimpians, wokeoids, or obnoxious Volvo-driving wine women. Instead, I saw a lot of guys who look like they can do a push-up. That's not exactly the leftist demographic.

Read the whole thing.

That beautiful song by Badfinger keeps going through my head.

The left constantly scolds the right for alleged "inciting rhetoric," but they gleefully spend tens of millions of dollars on straight-up civil war pornography.

The same scumbags that will pay to see this movie are the same people who'd denounce Kurt Schlicter's books (despite having never read them).

Meanwhile, here's another provocation. A movie that finally asks the pressing question: Why are white people so violent towards black people?

That was right on the tip of my tongue! Of course! The FBI statistics for cross-racial assault, theft, rape, and murder beg for this question to finally be answered!

Every time I see stores being looted, or a kid being kicked to death at school, or a self-made video by joyriders deliberately running over pedestrians and bike-riders, I wonder: What has made all these white people so "uncomfortable" with black people, and provoked them into becoming victims of violent crime?

I linked this video a couple of weeks ago. It fits right in with the sociopolitical provocation movies, but not in the crude, inciting way as the prior two.

I was happy to see the movie is worth watching -- Film Threat raves about it, and says while it's mostly a drama, it's one of the funniest movies you'll see all year. They also say that it makes fun of white liberals constantly -- not white people in general, they clarify, but white liberals. They said the white liberals they saw it with at a critics screening were themselves... uncomfortable.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 04:09 PM

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