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December 07, 2023

MMA Fighter and Proud Irishman Conor MacGregor Hints at Run for Irish President

Because apparently that's the only way you'll be allowed free speech in Ireland.

Maybe. Maybe they'll wind up prosecuting the Irish president for questioning unlimited mass immigration as "hate" speech, too.

The featherweight champion hinted yet again this week that he is planning a run for the presidency in Ireland -- a massive career change Elon Musk lauded as "not even fair" to other contenders.

McGregor, 35, who has been outspoken in recent weeks amid violent rioting in Dublin, said Monday he would serve at the whim of the people should he throw his hat in the 2025 election: "It would not be me in power as president, people of Ireland. It would be me and you."

The controversial MMA fighter criticized the three other aging contenders vying to succeed incumbent President Michael D. Higgins, famous for his trusty Bernese mountain dog Misneach.

"Potential competition if I run. Gerry [Adams], 78. Bertie [Ahern]. 75. Enda [Kenny], 74. Each with unbreakable ties to their individual parties politics. Regardless of what the public outside of their parties feel. These parties govern themselves vs govern the people," McGregor wrote on X.

"Or me, 35. Young, active, passionate, fresh skin in the game. I listen. I support. I adapt. I have no affiliation/bias/favoritism toward any party. They would genuinely be held to account regarding the current sway of public feeling.
I'd even put it all to vote," he continued.

"There'd be votes every week to make sure. I can fund."

It's a bit of a naive platform -- "I'll just do whatever the people want; I'll hold votes to find out what the people want me to do" -- but that kind of naive platform sometimes does get people elected.

And one part of his agenda seems settled: He is firm on the point that Irish people should not be second-class citizens in Ireland.

What backwards, xenophobic thinking! What a racist! Doesn't he know that Ireland has a long history of colonizing... um... wait...

Well okay Ireland was itself colonized for 1,500 years, but they're white (or at least the English accepted that they were "white enough" 100 years ago) so they're "colonial adjacent"!

Tesla founder and Twitter owner Musk quickly showed support for McGregor, stating the longtime politicians wouldn't stand a chance against the newcomer.

"I think you could take them all single-handed. Not even fair," Musk replied, alongside a crying laughing emoji.

In a lengthy response to the Space X CEO, McGregor pointed out that the road to the nomination would be a tedious process, but he feels strongly that he'd find success on the other side: "I'd fancy my chances Elon, 100%"

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 04:01 PM

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