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December 07, 2023

As Illegal Aliens Flood Over the Border and the Criminal Wray Warns the Terror Warning Lights are Flashing Red, Biden Does Nothing to Close the Border

The borders are overrun.

A remote part of the Arizona border is being overrun by a massive surge of mainly adult male migrants from across the globe, including countries in Africa and the Middle East -- just as the state's Tucson Sector has seen record numbers of crossings in recent days.

Fox News was on the ground in Lukeville, Arizona, where Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have been forced to close the local port of entry due to the surge in illegal entries. Fox footage showed that, as of Tuesday morning, hundreds of single military-age men camped out against the border wall waiting to be processed into the U.S, and not a single woman or child among them.

Of those camped out, there were a large number of Africans from countries Senegal, Guinea, Mauritania, Egypt and elsewhere waiting to be processed and potentially released into the U.S. Others were from the Middle East and Asia.

One man told Fox that he paid $10,000 to a smuggler to travel from Mauritania via Colombia, while a man from Guinea said he was planning to head to New York City if he was released into the U.S.

The Tucson Sector saw nearly 3,000 encounters in a single day and has seen 17,500 encounters in a single week, the highest weekly total ever recorded.

Meanwhile, Fox cameras caught a moment when migrants exploited gaps in the border wall -- which were being repaired by federal contractors -- and rushed through the gap and into the United States before it could be fixed.

An illegal alien rushed across the border declaring that he loves Joe Biden.

Christopher Wray just admitted the terror alert board is showing "blinking lights."

FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday he has never seen a time during his decades-long career when so many threats against the US were all as elevated as they are now, warning senators he sees "blinking lights everywhere."

During a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, ranking Republican member of the committee, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, asked Wray if he saw "blinking red lights" -- referring to warning signs the US missed before the attack of 9/11.

"I see blinking lights everywhere I turn," Wray said.

Video of him saying he's concerned about terror crossing the border here.

Biden's National Security Spokesman John Kirby was asked why, given the high terror alert and crush of humanity flowing unimpeded over the border, Biden doesn't finally close the border.

Kirby claimed Biden is "all about border security."

Biden's position continues to be that he will not even consider closing the border until the Republicans agree on a mass amnesty for all illegals who he's already helped smuggle into the country, and also agree to jack up the numbers of foreigners allowed to legally immigrate into the country. In other words, he just wants to legalize the current levels of illegal immigration, and then claim he "fixed" illegal immigration, because everyone who would have tried to illegally immigrate can now come legally.

And then maybe he'll think about deporting criminal aliens. Maybe.

We'll see how that position holds up after the next terrorist attack.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:18 PM

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