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Behold A Pale Horse: And His Name That Sat On Him Was ONT. And Hell Followed With Him »
October 12, 2023
Fly Me Cafe

San Francisco by fernlichtsicht.
I'm lolling at the idea that that's what
the City of Shit looks like now, but whatever,
nice image!
Dog is just a little bit jealous of the new puppy.
Amazing mimicry.
If you're not cheating you're not trying.
They didn't have a tow chain, so they improvised.
"Horseshoe Theory" states that sometimes you can be So Manly you just cross over the boundary and wind up pretty gay.
This is like that Star Trek episode.
The yellow dog saw a Trump/DeSantis thread brewing and just peaced out.
Buckle up, pup!
Oh boy, now cats are teaching other animals to pounce...
Sliding into Friday like...
I choose to believe:
I never saw The Never-Ending Story but I imagine it was pretty much just this:

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:38 PM
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