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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (7/26/23) »
July 26, 2023
Bear Necesities Cafe

Venice, by @ken4photo
Mother and cub. And here the bear family is out fishing, I think.
Pool party.
Life guard.
Nice humans pull a buck out of the deep, thick mud it's hoplessly trapped in. I was getting very worried they'd just pull the buck's head off, but don't worry, it'll be fine.
Squirrel enjoys some saxophone.
This guy play a harmonica annoyingly, so obviously geese like it.
Cuddly cats.
I could do this, but I'm saving my energy for an ultramarathon.
Crazy firework.
Rush hour.
This dog pretending to faint over his nails being clipped is still funny. I think he's saying, "When you trim my nails, you're literally trying to erase my existence!!! Oh heaven forfend! Who will save me from these bigots and racists?!"
Ibex spider-climbs up a sheer dam wall.
Wow I'm suddenly interested in make-up.
Does that mean I'm transgender now?
Tai chi bear: