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July 23, 2023
First-World Problems...
Modern windows are amazingly efficient at keeping the heat in and the cold out, and vice versa! But a big part of that is because they use large panes of glass instead of many smaller panes separated by mullions (cool word!). To replace the elegant look of the mullions, modern windows use grilles that are attached to the interior edges of the windows with various things.
And that is the problem! The newest attachments work pretty well, but the older style is a sort of clip that simply doesn't work very well. The wood expands and contracts, the clips slide around or fall out (and are then stepped on!), and they never seem to keep the grilles tight against the glass. Maybe the worst part is that the grilles on my patio doors rattle a bit when I open and close them because they aren't tight against the glass and the perimeter of the windows.
This is my truth, and the suffering is real!