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June 28, 2023
Good Guy With a Gun Turns an Active Shooter Into a Decidedly Inactive One
Bonchie at RedState:
Another good guy with a gun stepped in to save lives on Friday, this time in Las Vegas. An active shooter entered Turnberry Towers, firing off shots toward the front desk.
That's when he was confronted with something he likely wasn't expecting: An armed employee.
The employee, who has not been identified, drew on the would-be mass murderer, causing him to flee by shooting out the inner glass. Before reaching the outer door to escape into the street and possibly shoot other people, though, the active shooter is taken down hard.
Caution: Video shows this active shooter getting plugged.
Even though this happened last Friday, the Las Vegas police refuse to confirm that the shooting happened. Either they don't want to publicize that a citizen with a gun thwarted a possible mass-murder -- he wasn't shooting his way into an apartment building just to use the laundry -- or...
Or the police are weighing charges against the citizen. They will say that when the shooter turned his back and attempted to leave, he was no longer a threat, and at that point, the citizen became a criminal.
This is bullshit. All of this happened within seconds. Further, if someone simply turns his back and moves, this is not proof that he is "no threat." He may just be seeking cover before he turns and fires again. He did not drop his gun. He remained a threat to the life of the citizen, and anyone else for blocks around.
But the police say: It's an active investigation.
And what is there to investigate?
The lawful citizen protecting himself, of course.
Amy Swearer
Again, this has been FOUR DAYS since the incident. They obviously have this information. And some of the questions have obvious answers that they need only confirm 00 like yes, duh, the gunman was shot by someone who wasn't a cop.
Their response?
FOIA it. It's an active investigation.
I'm dead serious.
They refused to simply state the obvious - an armed civilian thwarted an active shooter.
But our BLM Police Forces are now determined to lock people up for defending themselves against violent criminals.
Related, from Steve Inman: A dreg tries to rob a gun shop. Caution: What happens is exactly what you'd expect to happen. No question that this guy remained a threat. Until he stopped being a threat to anyone, ever.

posted by Lamont the Big Dummy at
02:18 PM
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