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June 10, 2023
The Music Thread: Sappy Crap From The 1970s!

[Found in Garrett's closet, in a box labeled, "Romance"]
I was listening to Spotify recently, and discovered that its system will choose what it thinks are similar songs after a searched song is finished. I'm not sure who wrote the algorithm, but it is...odd. I searched for some country music song, I don't recall what, and the next song was...Seasons In The Sun.
That's just weird! But I went down the rabbit hole of awful, syrupy songs from the 1970s. And it was painful and embarrassing and redolent of uncomfortable adolescent scenes that are best left to your imaginations.
But if I had to suffer, then you do too!
Song Sung Blue
I’ll Have to Say I Love You in a Song
Sentimental Lady
Have You Been Mellow
Without You
Telephone Line
I think
Spotify is great. It has an easy interface, has most music I have looked for, and by and large their automated choices are okay. I tried
Apple Music with a six month free trial, and canceled it early...it was terrible. Irritating interface, comparatively difficult to create lists, and...uh...it is Apple, so I reflexively hate everything about it.
The music industry is so different compared to what I grew up with that it is unrecognizable. I don't remember the last physical recording I purchased; it has been many years. Whether that is good or bad I have no idea, but I do miss CDs and vinyl. I don't miss making tapes though! What a pain in the ass compared to today! I can make lists (otherwise known as a mix tape) so easily that it is a pleasure, unlike using my dual recording cassette deck that is thankfully in the garbage, lo these many years.
But...sound quality? Yeah, we have talked about that in the past, and there is nothing like a high quality CD or vinyl record, played through a good sound system that has actual speakers.
What's that? One more data point to prove that Dildo is a knucklehead? Yup, I got rid of my fantastic Cerwin Vega speakers, for reasons that I simply do not understand.
Anyone else regret tossing those massive tower speakers you scrimped and saved for?