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May 18, 2023
Thrills and Spills Cafe

Santuario de Las Lajas Narino in Colombia by @hposty
Every being dreams of freedom.
Including the little ones.
Wuh? Apparently this is a whole specialized sport.
Soccer is now 20% less soy. More of her here.
Cow purrs.
I don't think this is how they drew this one up on the blackboard. (By the way, she's a Bennigan's 9.)
You ain't nothin' but a Hmong dog.
Is this real? I don't even know any more. Even though it looks like it may be a videogame, a detail makes me think it's real: He's holding a baton which is attached to a rope. That rope is being pulled by some machine in the distance to give him his constant velocity. I don't know why a videogame would model that.
I think this is real, but again, I can't trust my eyes any longer.
Highway miles.
I could do this. And also, this. Obviously. And I just did this twice last week.
This is me going out to pick up the paper every morning.
When I get my chopper license, I figure I'll mostly land like this.
Bad water.
Not sure I can agree with the decisions made up until this point, but it's all well done from here.
I don't know what this is from, or which parts were really done and which parts are CGI, but it's pretty darn good.