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May 17, 2023
Another Propganda Media Fraud. (Yawn.)
After the Allen mall shootings, one Hero stepped forward from the shadows to tell us all that he was there. He rushed into the danger, when others were running from it.
Scott Hounsell tells us that this Hero of Our Age, Steven Spainouer, is a leftwing activist in the Allen area.
So obviously the media was eager to "report" his story.
From CBS:
Steven Spainhouer rushed to Allen Premium Outlets -- a shopping center in Allen, a Dallas-Fort Worth suburb, where the shooting happened -- when his son called just after 3:30 p.m. local time and said he had heard gunfire.
The gunman was identified as Mauricio Garcia, 33, the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed Sunday. Investigators are looking into whether the gunman was motivated by domestic violent extremist ideals, according to a law enforcement source, who told CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton that the perpetrator was heavily armed and appeared to be on a mission.
The source said the gunman used an assault-style weapon, had multiple rounds of ammunition on his person and was wearing armored ballistic gear.
"When I heard those shots, and then when the multiple shots happened, my heart just immediately just dropped," said Spainhouer's son, who works in the H&M store at Allen Premium Outlets. The shooter opened fire in the parking lot outside, authorities said.
In an emotional interview with CBS News Texas, Spainhouer recalled performing CPR and administering aid to those suffering from injuries in the lot. He arrived at the scene before authorities, who did not get there for about 10 minutes, according to CBS News Texas.
"I never imagined in 100 years I would be thrust into the position of being the first first responder on the site to take care of people," Spainhouer said, noting that at least three victims could not be saved even after he applied CPR.
"The first girl I walked up to was crouched down covering her head in the bushes," he recalled. "So I felt for a pulse, pulled her head to the side, and she had no face."
Spainhouer also helped a child who survived the shooting and was hiding beneath his mother's body. The mother had died.
"When I rolled the mother over, he came out. I asked him if he was OK and he said, 'My mom is hurt, my mom is hurt,'" he said. "So, rather than traumatize him anymore, I pulled him around the corner sat him down."
The boy was "covered from head to toe" in blood, Spainhouer told CBS News Texas, "like somebody poured blood on him."
Spainhouer said, "no one can see what they saw today and not be affected by it."
"It's just unfathomable to see the carnage," he continued. "It's tough when you see a family that's out shopping, having fun, get wiped off the face of the earth because somebody with a gun has some other type of issue."
The Allen PD now says: This guy is full of Democrat.
Hounsell writes:
Spainhouer retreated to his Facebook page where he posted an explanation of his statements, somehow claiming to be the victim of misinformation...