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Food Thread: Are Crawfish Actually Aliens? »
April 30, 2023
First-World Problems...
No, that's not my basement. Mine is neater. But it sure does have a lot of crap in it, and very little of it is ours. The brats and the relatives seem to think that it is a free storage facility! Admittedly some of the stuff is books...about 1,000 volumes of mostly history from my parent's house, but that is stacked neatly and doesn't offend my obsessive-compulsive sensibilities.
But I am going to have the last laugh. I am going to set a target date for everything to be dealt with. That date will be two days before my town's regular bulk pick-up service. If the stuff isn't gone by then, it's going onto the curb. No arguments. No whining. No second chances.
And then I am going to open a good bottle of bourbon and toast my neat and clean and mostly empty basement.