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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (2/28/23) »
February 28, 2023
Toddler Painting Party Cafe

by makoo_films
Shift-tilt video. That's a camera effect where full-sized objects are made to look miniature.
Sleepy polar bear family.
Rehabilitating an orphaned baby beaver. Interestingly, the beaver likes playing with toys and likes building dams with wood, but does not permit the two things to be intermingled, and will separate them if mixed. Work hard play hard as a natural instinct?
A little icy out there.
Bear chasing a guy skiing. Or maybe he just got lost on the black diamond slope.
Guy builds a Fat Albert Iron Man suit.
Magpie helps hedgehog cross the road.
Fresh chicken!
Stopping motorcycle bandits. Caution: gun violence.
Here's the cat rescued from the rumble. I mis-linked this in last night's cafe: